Apple’s main internal mission regarding its upcoming electronics is make them thinner. The information comes from journalist Mark Gurman, from Bloombergwhich usually has hot details about the company’s behind-the-scenes.

According to the columnist, the manufacturer is now focused on developing a “significantly” thicker family of cell phones. The result of this change, however, should only be seen on iPhone 17 — device expected to come out in 2025.

The brand’s objective is stand out for the small dimensions and compact format of the models, at the same time that they have more and more resources. Among other highlights, the Apple Intelligence function package should be the highlight of Apple’s cell phone and computer families in the coming years.

For comparison purposes, the iPhone 15 is 7.8mm thick, while the Pro version is 8.25mm.

Change of plans began with new iPad Pro

Still according to Gurman, the news marks a change of direction in Maçã’s design strategy. In recent years, it has taken the opposite path by launching thicker electronics with larger components, especially in the Ultra lines of its devices.

However, this began to change with the new iPad Pro, revealed at the beginning of May this year. The model with OLED screen and M4 chip It is the current thinnest product in the company’s history5.1 mm thick.

The new iPad Pro. (Image: Apple/Disclosure)Source: Apple

The launch of the tablet also generated criticism of the company for the product launch commercial. By presenting the product’s compact and reduced thickness, the video ended up infuriating the community by portraying Apple “smashing” musical equipment and other cultural products.

The idea is that it applies this same visual style to its other devices, such as the high-performance MacBook Pro laptop and the Apple Watch smart watch. Apart from the thickness, the electronics would also be lighter, but there are no details on what the average weight and measurements are to be achieved by the brand.


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