Amitt Mahajan, known for games such as Farmville and Pirate Nation, underlines the usefulness of beta testing for game development, especially within the blockchain sector.

According to Mahajan, gradually releasing games and refining them through community feedback leads to better quality products and greater engagement. He said the following to Cointelegraph:

“Continuously publicly adapting and improving the game really appeals to me. It is a process of launching and refining.”

Mahajan especially values ​​early feedback, as evidenced by the adjustments made to Farmville, which was originally developed in just five weeks but has been continually improved through user suggestions.

Building community and engagement

Mahajan also believes that launching games in phases not only improves the quality of the game, but also strengthens the bond with the player community.

During the development of Pirate Nation, a free-to-play pirate-themed RPG on the blockchain, community involvement in technological developments was essential to the game’s formation. “Many of our community members are involved because they love the technological innovations we are working with,” Mahajan said.

Blockchain not as a USP

Sam Saliba, former head of marketing at Activision Blizzard, suggests that blockchain gaming companies rethink their marketing approach. He believes that focusing on blockchain technology and crypto rewards may not be the best strategy. He stated the following:

“Gamers are primarily interested in engaging and entertaining experiences, regardless of the blockchain used.”

He advocates marketing games as entertainment, with a focus on storylines, exciting gameplay and unique experiences, rather than the technology behind it.

However, Saliba also doubts the added value of crypto rewards in games, which often attract a niche audience. Instead, he sees more in developing compelling game progression systems and game designs that keep players active.

The rise of Web3 gaming

Despite some skepticism from the traditional gaming industry, Saliba sees growing potential in Web3 gaming, especially with the recent decline in investment in traditional games. He continued:

“Web3 gaming seems to be growing faster and attracting investments more easily.”

Web3 also offers developers more creative freedom, allowing them to focus on innovative projects rather than ongoing franchises, Saliba said.


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