Social networks are a universe that is as exciting as it is complex, where one of the most important things about participating in it is listening to what your audience says about you before anything else. Only after listening should you consistently analyze that data and finally develop a strategy that responds effectively. All experts agree that, with proper monitoring, you will be able to know your customers better and improve your marketing strategy. Every ranking is, in itself, an arbitrary list. That is why you should always clarify about its characteristics.

This Top 10 of the best free tools to monitor social networks was prepared based on information from Google Analytics. When you are looking for a tool it is always a good idea to try a few before making a decision.

These 10 tools are not suitable for large companies but rather for small and medium-sized businesses that need a free and simple monitoring system.

1) Hootsuite

It is one of the most popular on the web. Its enormous advantage is that it covers multiple platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WordPress, Foursquare and Google+.

The weekly analytics reports and its excellent workflow app (allows for delegation of tasks and sending private messages) are very useful when there is more than one person managing the social media accounts.

2) TweetReach

It is perfect if you want to monitor the reach of your tweets, as it is very effective in measuring the real impact and implications of social media conversations.

It’s a good way to find out who your most influential followers are and guide you toward the right audience to focus on when you want to share and promote content.

3) Klout

Its inclusion in this list will generate controversy. There are those who don’t like it at all and consider that their scoring system is not accurate and that trying to interact with them is impossible (which is curious since they themselves offer interaction measurement services).

But most like that it measures influence based on engagement on Twitter, which will allow you to know what people think about your brand and adjust your posts according to the interests of your target audience.

4) Social Mention

It analyzes the information in a deeper way and also measures influence in four categories: Strength, Sentiment, Passion and Reach. It has an impressive reach and can engage in up to 30 different types of social networks.

5) Twazzup

It is very good for newbies in social networks (7 out of 10 users in companies in Latin America) to monitor their Twitter account. You just need to enter the name you want to track and you instantly get real-time updates: the most active influencers, the photos and links that were most retweeted and, most importantly, the ten keywords related to your search.

6) Addictomatic

It can be very helpful and as easy to use as Twazzup. The only difference is that it focuses on platforms such as: Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, WordPress, Delicious and It is very effective for observing changes in the industry and reputation of your brand.

7) HowSociable

If you want to measure the presence of your brand and that of your competitors on social networks, this is the perfect tool. A free account allows you to track 12 social media platforms, including Tumblr and WordPress. If you want to monitor 24 more platforms: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc., then you need a pro account.

We also like it because it presents the information in a different way, with specific scores for each platform, allowing you to see which platform works best for your brand and which ones need the most attention.

8) IceRocket

It allows you to monitor Facebook, Twitter and blogs in 20 languages ​​and also presents the results in graphs. It also allows you to monitor specific periods of time, which will give you very good information about your campaigns or those of your competition.

It is also very useful to keep up with the activity of bloggers and also gives you the possibility of finding the latest trends related to your search.

9) TweetDeck

It meets the basic needs of any Twitter user, which is why it is a good option for beginners. It’s great for scheduling tweets and monitoring your interactions and messages, as well as tracking hashtags and managing multiple accounts.

10) Reachli

Now that images and videos are quickly becoming indispensable elements for businesses, the latest recommendation is a tool that measures and optimizes visual content. He is best known for his Pinterest analysis.

If you got this far reading and clicked on several of these tools, you will have realized that, for each one, there are 10 others that you might like.

The most important thing is to understand the concept of active listening, essential in any digital marketing strategy.

In order to listen, you have to detect in time the conversations about the brand that are generated in the online environment: that is why monitoring is key and it is one of the five most important activities to develop the Inbound Marketing of any company.

Via: Hubspot


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