ElRubius, JPelirrojo, Isasaweis… You may know them because they are three of the best-known YouTube users on the video platform. On their channels they count the number of followers in the hundreds of thousands and have made the production of audiovisual videos their livelihood.

Los Youtubers make so much money with their videos -through what they get thanks to the YouTube partner program and advertising requests from brands- that some even hire employees to help them prepare the scripts and edit and produce the videos.

If you want to be a YouTube star like them, here are some tips for you to get started, although the essential thing is to have talent and dedicate a lot of time and dedication to creating your videos. Nobody said success came without effort..

  1. Get the basic kit. You will need an HD video camera (high resolution) or even the one on your phone may work if it records in HD, but you will need a tripod for your mobile phone. You will also need a basic editing program on your computer, a microphone, some good lights and… a lot of imagination.
  2. Create your channel on YouTube. Think carefully about the name, because it will be the one that all your followers know you by. Short ones work better, as they are easier to remember. If you also include keywords in your title, you will be able to make it easier for Internet users to locate you when using the Google search engine. Personalize the channel with a logo that identifies you and a careful design.
  3. Planning. A short three-minute video is the result of many hours of work and effort. He youtuber You must think carefully about what you want to communicate, what the shots you need are like, the music you will use… even the smallest detail is thought out and constitutes an important part of achieving the final result.

    Isasaweis, the most popular beauty ‘youtuber’

  4. Utiliza YouTube Trends. With this Google tool you will be able to identify which videos are trending on the platform, even segmenting them by sex of users, country of residence… Spending time analyzing this data will allow you to get ideas for your creations.
  5. Content. It is essential to communicate something that adds value to others, that informs them, that allows them to acquire knowledge or, at least, that entertains them.
  6. Quality. The quality of the video presented must be taken care of (light, sound, editing…) the result must be professional. If the editing is not careful, no matter how good the video content is, it will not reach the user.
  7. Duration. Videos that last more than four or five minutes hardly retain the user’s attention until the end. On the Internet, the consumption of audiovisual content is increasingly faster and we must hook the user especially in the first seconds of the video. A recommended duration ranges between a minute and a half and two minutes.

Elrubius, leader with almost 10 million followers

  1. Periodicity. Set a publishing rhythm, which can be daily, biweekly, weekly… according to your capabilities and resources. Try to meet deadlines so that users look forward to your next delivery.
  2. Promote your videos. It is not enough to publish them and that’s it. Once uploaded to the platform, move them on your social networks, share them on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google+, in specialized forums… make the rest of Internet users know about them, not just those who already follow you on YouTube.
  3. Patience. If you think that you will get rich quickly with your videos, you may abandon your goal of becoming a YouTuber when you have even less than 10. At first, followers take a while to reach the channel, because creating a loyal community of users is a task that requires a lot of effort. , sacrifice and years of work on many occasions. Be constant.

Via: Thirteen Bits

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/10-consejos-para-ser-un-youtuber-de-exito.html

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