LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool that has a wide reach and resources that can benefit you.

Here you can see 18 effective tips to get a job thanks to LinkedIn:

1. Make a list of 40 Target companies where you would like to work. It is important to have a broad list and be clear that this is one of the most important points to find a job. You have to be up to date with everything that happens in them.

2. Take advantage of the information that LinkedIn gives you to find out who runs the companies on your list. Look who works there, who the leaders are, find out what’s going on inside. It is essential that you follow these people so that you are aware of their activities.

3. Send an email through LinkedIn to senior managers or get their emails so you can contact them.

4. Being brief, clear and convincing will be your motto when communicating with them. Tell them why you are emailing them, make sure your question is very clear and always try to answer the “why you” question.

5. When you have your list of candidate companies, find out what their competition is and do the same thing you did with them in the previous steps.

6. Complete your profile 100%.

7. Upload recommendations. You have to convince the people you know and have worked with to write a short review in your favor.

8. Join groups where they are (you can tell by looking at their profile) and be active by collaborating and contributing. This will give you visibility.

9. Look for the target companies’ hiring managers and HR staff. You have to reach them in any way to be able to offer your services, by mail or by private message.

10. Use the advanced search to find out more about the person who is going to interview you.

11. Use your contacts to ask for referrals, resources and assistance of any kind.

12. If you think it can work and you have the means to do something halfway decent, you can record a video resume of 30 seconds or less. Remember that it has to be a good video because this option is a double-edged sword.

13. Publish attention-grabbing presentations on the subject you master, showing what you can do and how companies could win by hiring you.

14. Take advantage of other social networks and publish them on LinkedIn. Your Twitter or Facebook profile can help you.

15. Don’t pay for LinkedIn premium subscription (this is an optional tip).

16. Answer questions every day to be visible and get to know you.

17. Stay updated and aware of events in your sector. You could really benefit from attending and making some contacts.

18. Broaden your horizons and learn new subjects that could make your job search easier.

Via: Victor Martin


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