Surely you have heard on more than one occasion that social networks have become the best allies of marketers when it comes to generate engagement with new consumers.

A totally plausible statement but on which a small nuance must be made: Not all engagement generated is equal.. And we have managed to move beyond impressions to take into account a greater number of indicators.

But if you are one of those who think that likes and comments are all you need to complete your objectives in terms of return on investment, you are very wrong. There is a whole world beyond these basics.

That is why we want to focus on three elements collected by Adweek. A triumvirate that stands as essential if what it is about is establishing railways relationships between brands and consumers using social networks. Don’t lose detail.

1. Engagement should be considered long-term

Many marketers believe that customer touchpoints like social media offer an immediate return. This is not a lie but we have to move forward with this approach.

Social networks offer a unique opportunity to educate and inspire the audience. In a world where he is now the only thing that counts, many consumers are forced into shopping experiences they don’t really want. And this only clouds their brand image.

You have to see each point of contact as a step on the great ladder that is the shopping experience. In this way you will find the place that belongs to you and with which the consumer will associate you with positive factors.

2. It should stand out from all the noise

Noise is the norm on social networks. Platforms in which the amount of content generated is overwhelming and constant. This leads us to a scenario in which those brands that are only shouting their messages will achieve nothing.

You have to use each of your actions and pieces as an individual treasure to attract consumers. The stories and the video format They are your two great allies to comply not only with this point but also with the first.

3. The importance of personalization

The photography described in the two previous points inevitably leads us to a conclusion that we had surely already thought about: everything has to be personalized. Brands have to show that they listen and take into account.

They must think about how to create meaningful and personal moments so that its content arouses real interest and is shared.

Via: Direct Marketing


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