We share some tips that will allow you to increase Twitter followers organically for your brand.

Twitter has been an influential social network for a long time, but there are still marketing professionals who do not understand all the potential it has or how to use it.

With a few small changes to our Twitter strategy, we can go in the right direction to gain loyal followers who will actively interact with our content.

As quality is always valued more than quantity, we must ensure that we stay away from buying followers or adopting other unethical methods when increasing them. By buying followers we will have access to a larger group of people, but we will not generate brand engagement with them. By gaining Twitter followers organically, we will access a larger group of users who are also committed to the brand and more willing to purchase our products.

1 – Make your replies and retweets a habit

Twitter is all about having casual conversations with our followers, as well as being as human as we can. Some brands make the mistake of talking only about themselves. In order to increase the number of Twitter followers, we need to talk to potential followers and have those conversations naturally without any promotional content.

When someone follows us, we should review their profile and follow them back, if what they do is relevant to our brand. Also, in the case of responding to a particular tweet, it is best to mention the username in the post.

Retweeting is another good way to show courtesy on Twitter. Therefore, when you see a tweet that is related to our brand or the products and services we sell, it is best to retweet it. In addition, it is now also possible to add your own comment to the retweet to personalize it.

2 – Share content constantly

Brands that post informative content on Twitter on a regular basis have a greater opportunity to increase their number of loyal followers. Users love reading new information and the more informative we are, the more engagement we will get on Twitter.

Maintaining the 80/20 rule may be the best option, so that 80% of the content is informative, interesting and relevant but without being promotional for the brand, while the remaining 20% ​​is promotional content. Additionally, it’s also good to switch between text and visual content from time to time. Visual content is much more attractive.

3 – Monitoriza hashtags y trending topics

Hashtags are used to categorize Twitter content and also to make a tweet easier to discover. Using the right hashtags in your tweets can be very beneficial for the brand, as they will help place the tweet under the radar of other users. To use them in the best way, it is necessary to stay up to date with hashtags that are already popular and that may be relevant to the brand. When publishing our own tweets, we must include some hasthag in them, but without going overboard.

4 – Interact with your influencers

It is necessary to find influencers in our industry and reach them through tweets. Mentioning them in posts and attracting them to conversations that are related to the brand can be a good option. These leaders will share our content, thus offering greater exposure to a broader audience.

5 – Promote your Twitter

To get more Twitter followers, one of the easiest ways is to promote our Twitter account. This includes creating a highly engaging Twitter profile that features an eye-catching cover image as well as a relevant profile image. Keeping your Twitter details up to date is very important. We must make sure to include it on our website, as well as at the end of our blog posts, for example. It is also possible to promote our Twitter account by including it in the newsletters that we send to our clients, as well as in our email signature, for example.

To summarize, the microblogging social network offers a large number of opportunities for brands that want to promote themselves through it. The key is to manage your Twitter account correctly and get new ideas and trends that can be part of your marketing strategy. You must have these 5 tips to get Twitter followers organically. Share attractive and engaging content, be polite and respond to users, engage in conversations with the brand’s followers and influencers, and watch the number of followers grow little by little.

Via: redes-sociales.com

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/5-consejos-para-aumentar-los-seguidores-en-twitter.html

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