Should you or should you not have a community manager in your company? That is a question that is usually asked by SME managers, self-employed people and beginning entrepreneurs whose resources are still limited. Hiring a community manager seems like an idea that is too far removed from their current situation.

However, no matter how small your business is, if you sell to the end consumer (B2C), you need a community manager. Even if your business is something local, like a hair salon or a restaurant. But why?

There are several important reasons to hire a community manager. Continue reading to learn more about each of them.

1. You will improve the image of your brand

When a user searches Google for a company name and gets few or no results immediately, their reaction is usually not positive.

Nowadays, all companies must have an updated website perfectly linked to their social media profiles. The user expects that in each social network the information is coherent and the publication of messages is periodic, with interesting and quality content.

If you do not want to give a scruffy or unprofessional image when a user searches for your company name on Google, the first thing that should appear is your corporate website, followed by your blog, your Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slideshare, YouTube , Wikipedia, etc.

It’s about your links creating a positive preliminary image. You choose: ghost company or active and modern company?

2. You will provide better customer service

While you ensure that your business’s operational activities run smoothly, you need someone who can quickly respond to user queries and comments on social media. More and more consumers are using networks to contact brands.

Users know that a smart company provides a faster and more careful response through networks (after all, they are a platform on which all They are watching you). This is the main route for younger audiences, they prefer it to sending an email through the contact form on the corporate website.

Imagine that you don’t have the help of a community manager and you are on your own to do almost everything. Will you make consumers wait until the end of the day, when you’ve finished working on regular business tasks, for you to respond to their messages?

Of course not. In reality, you will be losing business opportunities by not responding to these consumers in time.

3. You will distribute higher quality content

Social networks demand a frenetic pace of publication. Even if you choose not to post every day, when you do, the update should be quality. A community manager with the right tools is a machine for finding relevant topics that fit perfectly with your social communication strategy.

Finding good content is a time-consuming process, which is why a community manager is a valuable resource that you should invest in critical areas of your company.

4. It will increase affinity with your audience

How many people pass through the door of your company every day? Wouldn’t you be surprised if someone approached you on the street to give you a brochure and in return asked for your personal email address?

Well, on the Internet this happens all the time. In social networks we are negotiating with the user, and the negotiation is “take something useful and in return let me into your life.”

Social networks are spaces to get closer, tell stories, delight the community and make the brand visible.

Working on social networks has an impact on the traffic you receive on your website. All that audience that follows you on social media should be directed to your website. Once there, through landing pages and CTAs you obtain their contact information (turn them into sales opportunities) to maintain communication with them at your own pace.

5. You will manage metrics

It makes no sense to publish on social networks if you have not first made a plan with objectives, metrics that you want to observe and define a target audience for your messages. If you manage social networks spontaneously and without planning, you will be blindsided. Perhaps you put your efforts into achieving high performance on metrics that, at a business level, are irrelevant.

A good community manager will guide you. If you understand your company, you will be able to establish the correct KPIs, interpret them and decide what is most appropriate.

6. It will multiply your reach and relevance as a brand

The opportunities to grow, to create new work synergies, to arouse interest in your projects, to obtain suppliers, etc., reside in the digital world. Social networks are the best platform to show yourself and see these new horizons.

You can’t afford to be at half throttle. By now, you’re probably clear about it: you need a community manager for your business.

The next questions are: what is better: a community manager inside or outside the company? Do I outsource the service to an agency or to a freelancer who manages few accounts? Am I looking for a part-time intern to do it?

Patience, those are questions to answer in other articles.

Right now, what is the situation of your company? Do you have a community manager?

Via: HubSpot


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