Ideas for Instagram…. It’s Monday morning and you’re standing in front of your closet. You examine your clothes and empty your dresser drawers, but the truth is inevitable, you have nothing to wear. This is the same feeling of desperation you feel when you’re out of ideas and can’t think of anything to post on your Instagram.

Consistently creating interesting and current content on Instagram is a struggle for most social media marketers. Just check your feed and you’ll realize that you’ve posted the same type of photo over and over again, and that your brand doesn’t stand out from your competition. To help you out, we’ve put together the following guide with Instagram ideas to ensure you never miss out on posting something different again.

Ideas for Instagram to boost the interaction

Behind the scenes content

You are more than a brand, you are a community. Promote your team and the people behind the company by showcasing unique behind-the-scenes content. Behind-the-scenes content is a great idea for brands’ Instagram posts as it humanizes the company, showing the faces behind the brand.

Your audience will have the opportunity to know what your brand is really about and feel a personal connection to who you are and what you represent.

Here are some behind-the-scenes ideas for Instagram posts:

  • Employee profiles, including executives and even the CEO
  • Workplace tours to show where and how your products are made
  • Office Pet Introductions (If your office allows dogs, do an introduction or “takeover” like we did in this Instagram post)
  • Photos of employees and team members working hard
  • Photos and videos of events you organize or in which your brand was involved

One of the ideas for Instagram is to show the functions of the product

It may seem obvious, but sometimes brands can get carried away sharing content so focused on lifestyle that they forget to showcase their products or services on Instagram. Remember, your audience is interested in what you offer and what distinguishes your brand from your competition.

In addition to Instagram posts focused on your lifestyle, also share an occasional post showcasing your product and brand. Set a schedule to ensure you’re not posting too much promotional content. One or two posts a week, depending on the amount of content you typically share, is a good number to start with.

For example, if you are a donut company, share a photo of one of your creations in the most flattering light. Or if there’s a holiday or popular cultural event, you could connect your product to them in a creative and fun way, like Vancouver’s Cartem’s donut shop did for International Bacon Day.

lifestyle photographs

As we mentioned above, lifestyle content is a great way to show how your product or service works in real life.

Instead of always sharing a photo of your brand’s backpacks in a showroom or store, share a photo of adventurous hikers climbing a mountain, wearing your backpack. Think about your target audience and the people you have already established, as well as what they are interested in. What is the life you dream of? Once you discover this, you can share images that encompass their aspirations and allow them to feel that your brand is aligned with their wants, needs, and pain points.

Quotes and text-based content

Do you remember those days when you just needed something stimulating and inspiring? Offer that to your followers through Instagram posts. Text-based images and quotes are a simple but effective method to quickly increase engagement through your Instagram posts.

Some ideas for text-based content include:

  • Quotes from notable figures that appeal to your target audience.
  • Quotes from experts and leaders in your industry (this may include your company’s CEO or any other executive)
  • Positive reviews or customer comments
  • Information or event announcements
  • Promotions and sales information
  • Notes on store closures or hours
  • Useful information such as recipes, tips related to products or how to make it
  • Statistics and data related to the sector

American DIY and lifestyle brand Brit + Co makes great text-based Instagram posts. With an established brand voice, they inspire and delight their design-savvy audience with words that support Instagram’s visual platform in a natural way.

Hashtags diarios

Have you ever struggled to come up with an idea to post on Instagram when you realize it’s Thursday? With the popular hashtag #tbt (Throwback Thursday), you have an instant idea to post. Look for those old photos of your company’s humble beginnings, or some baby photos of your CEO.

No matter what day it is, if you have an idea for your Instagram posts, you now have a great starting point.

User generated content

You would be nothing without your audience and customers, so make sure you make them feel appreciated. By sharing user-generated content (UGC), you not only make your valuable followers the stars, but you also get unique content for your Instagram posts.

The best way to share user-created content is to regram, that is, posting a photo from someone else’s account to your own brand’s account. “Regramming content from other users allows brands to share fresh material with their audience. And this practice can encourage increased engagement by motivating followers to post reshare-worthy content.”

The guide mentioned above shares the following 5 ways to get user-generated content on Instagram:

  1. Create a branded hashtag for user-generated content submissions.
  2. Monitor photos in which your brand is tagged.
  3. Host a photography contest on Instagram.
  4. Invite your followers to send photos.
  5. Encourage interaction on Instagram during live events.

Searching for fresh and engaging posts on Instagram can seem like a never-ending challenge. However, with the above guide at hand, you can get inspired, get creative, and get likes easily.

Via: Hootsuite


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