It is a fact that data is essential for modern marketing. They are responsible for enabling companies to better understand their customers, their behaviors and their needs, and based on this understanding, they can create more effective and targeted marketing strategies. The production, circulation and storage of data on digital networks, especially with the increase in consumption through mobile devices, is now measured in Zettabytes (ZB), something that is equivalent to 1 trillion Gigabytes. Projections from IDC – The Digitalization of the World, are that, by 2025, the total amount of data generated, captured and replicated in the world will reach 175 ZB and will continue to grow exponentially. Just to give you an idea of ​​what this represents, if we were to store all this amount of data on DVDs (remember them?) we would have a battery that would circle the earth 222 times!

This unimaginable volume of information has become fundamental for Digital Marketing, which relies on such data to develop assertive strategies taking into account consumer behavior and preferences. Therefore, today, dealing well with the information generated and stored on the network, despite being a challenge, is a matter of survival for companies of any size or sector.

The question that arises, then, is: how will organizations be able to manage such an amount of data? The solution involves Data Warehouses, systems that have been making a difference in Marketing operations. For those who are not yet familiar with it, a Data Warehouse is a way of storing data designed to support the entire decision-making process in an organization.

It is a centralized repository that collects, stores and organizes large volumes of data from different sources within a company. The main purpose of a Data Warehouse is to provide an optimized environment for analysis and reporting, allowing users to perform complex queries and obtain strategic insights.

Among the practical benefits of this system we can mention the integration of data from several different sources – such as operational databases, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. Furthermore, DW ensures fast and efficient performance in complex analytical queries, using indexes, aggregations and other optimization techniques, and is capable of implementing rigorous security measures to ensure that only authorized users have access to the organization’s sensitive data.

Having your brand assisted by a DW means being able to count on a broad, deep and detailed dimension of the data produced by your company and its customers. With it, it is also possible to store the entire history of data produced, which, in practice, makes a big difference for a more careful analysis of your strategies.

By consulting this history, we are able to predict campaigns, check which ones are performing best and generate more detailed reports with insights that direct your strategies with greater clarity and assertiveness. DW also has the ability to segment customers based on demographic, behavioral data and other variables and is efficient for evaluating the performance of products and services. All of this means greater ease and security in anticipating market changes and evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of various initiatives.

Companies that still use more traditional tools for storing data, such as physical servers and spreadsheets, should not waste any more time updating themselves. Only in this way will they be able to have a broad and objective view of the ever-increasing volume of information they will have to manage. It is worth mentioning that, in addition to facilitating the management of large volumes of data, the use of WD is an essential trend for those who want to be ahead in the market.

*Bruno Cunha Lima is an engineer and founding partner and COO of Rebellioni, a company focused on bringing intelligence to Digital Marketing


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