It is not new that communication agencies are facing significant challenges in their approaches to meeting the demands of big brands. However, in order not to repeat the mistakes made in this endeavor in 2023, it is important that companies opt for solutions aimed at operational efficiency in 2024.

Today, companies know that there is a growing need to produce high-quality and increasingly targeted content, especially in formats such as videos. However, the production focus is often focused on exploring topics that are not very relevant, taking into account only what is trending, instead of making use of functional strategies that generate tangible results for customers.

Based on the need to meet the expectations and anxiety of the marketing managers of big brands, in order to remove some of the thousands of demands from the agenda at that moment, the agencies, hastily, make desperate and frustrated attempts to remain relevant within the scope of these corporations. .

The big problem with this is that, on several occasions, the leaders of these large companies themselves are not clear whether they want results or, simply, to follow trends. In other words, there is a certain lack of control in relation to the objectives of how to grow in the market.

How does the incorrect use of technology harm agency campaigns?

To map objectives you need data. And, despite access to various technological tools, both agencies and brands still face difficulties in measuring and optimizing the performance of their campaigns. Therefore, the guidance of operations is myopic, as there is no control over the performance of its actions, whether online or offline.

Consequently, this results in erroneous ROI (Return On Investment) calculations and a lack of understanding on how to fully utilize technology to drive business results. The resources are there, but they are not incorporated into the processes as they should be.

To top it off, the fragmentation of demands from big brands between different agencies generates even more inefficiencies in the production and deployment of campaigns. The management of your communication with partners is left in the background, which, in turn, makes the assets of each solution produced in this collaboration obsolete.

What is the role of technology in boosting agencies?

The rise of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and other technological tools in recent years is not limited to just digitizing processes. These resources offer a unique opportunity for agencies to improve the quality and effectiveness of their work, serving as allies in creating more qualified and biased content.

In short, the basic advantage of technology as a business partner is to automate mechanical tasks, allowing creative professionals to focus on elements that add personality to brands.

And this is where the importance of DAM (Digital Asset Management) stands out, a platform that centralizes all communication between companies in a single location, enabling organized and fluid communication between teams.

On the platform, videos, in addition to photos and documents in general, are organized, stored and distributed appropriately, without leaving noise in the interaction between partner companies. Governance itself is also reinforced, as information is exchanged in a safe and secure manner.

But how does this organization impact the development of assertive campaigns? The result of the correct use of DAM makes it possible to preserve and use all digital assets created by agencies with brands. Implementing this technology is a strategic solution that promotes operational efficiency by enhancing the quality of content and providing visibility to points of inefficiency for possible improvements.

Therefore, it is correct to say that the intelligent use of technology is the solution to premeditated deliveries, opening doors for teams and leaders to think outside the box. With the basics well done, promising business results will certainly come and the mistakes of 2023 will be in the past.

*Adalberto Generoso is co-founder and CEO of Yapoli, the main reference in digital asset management in Brazil, whose clients include big names in the Brazilian industry, such as Flamengo, PetrobrĂ¡s, Havaianas, Habib’s and Portobello. The executive is a marketing, technology and growth mentor for companies and works as a speaker for the Digital Marketing course class at USP’s Tech Entrepreneurship Center.


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