On the stage of Web Summit 2023 in Lisbon, where transformative minds converge to shape the future, startups take on the role of protagonists in growth and innovation. After two years of adaptations and operational adjustments, a wave of optimism runs through the environment and, albeit timidly, promotes a favorable scenario for their evolution.

The positive atmosphere reflects the change in perspective on investment dynamics: previously hesitant venture capital investors show confidence in the new. June 2023 was the fourth month with an increase in the volume invested in Brazilian startups, changing the direction in which we were heading to start 2024 in a promising way in the investment market.

As we explore the changes, it becomes clear that the last two years have been crucial in redefining growth strategies. The need to “do more with less” drove a profound review of revenue approaches, product launches and collaboration dynamics between internal teams and suppliers. This period of reflection resulted in more efficient strategies, outlining a new model for business growth.

At the epicenter of these transformations is Artificial Intelligence, emerging as the backbone of innovation. The quest for productivity has reached new heights, and the integration of AI into processes to optimize operations, automate tasks, drive data analytics and provide innovative solutions is what sets today’s startups apart in dynamic business environments. An example that deserves to be commented on is Inspira, a Brazilian startup that develops artificial intelligence to optimize productivity in law firms and won the Web Summit competition this year with the best pitch, beating more than 100 candidates throughout three eliminatory phases. .

As we engage in discussions about optimism and innovation, sustainability remains a key thread. We anticipate that as economic conditions strengthen, the focus on sustainability will intensify, as more than a trend, it is a necessity. Startups, leaders of this movement, incorporate sustainable practices not only as a differentiator, but as an intrinsic and fundamental responsibility for the future.

The Web Summit in Lisbon goes beyond an event, it is a catalyst for the growth of startups. This is the starting point for a new era, where they not only lead with innovation, but also embrace sustainable responsibility; where they emerge not just with optimism, but with a clear strategy for the future. Looking ahead to 2024, Web Summit Rio promises to be an exciting chapter in this journey of innovation, exceeding expectations with an audience that promises to be 42% larger than the previous one.

In closing, it is with great satisfaction that I observe my presence here in Lisbon, collaborating with the World of Marketing to carry forward the lessons and inspirations of the Web Summit. This participation highlights our ongoing commitment to excellence and leadership in the global startup scene. Without a doubt, we are on the threshold of a revolution, and startups are at the forefront, ready to shape tomorrow.

* João Gonçalves is CEO of JoGo

Source: https://www.mundodomarketing.com.br/desbravando-o-futuro-tendencias-em-growth-para-2024/

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