The founder of the unicorn Ledger, face of the show “Who wants to be my partner?”, assured BFM Crypto that all his assets are in bitcoins.

Maximalist bitcoiners have a credo: it is better to get rid of your euros and keep your savings in bitcoins. This is also the bet made by Éric Larchevêque, member of the jury of the show “Who wants to be my partner?” on M6, but also one of the best-known bosses of the crypto ecosystem. After discovering bitcoin in 2013, the following year he founded La Maison du Bitcoin (which became Coinhouse in 2018) then the French unicorn Ledger.

“As soon as I earn money in euros, I convert it into bitcoins, because I don’t believe in the euro or the dollar. I’ve been thinking for years that this currency is going to collapse,” stressed Eric Larchevêque in the BFM Business show “BFM Crypto, Le Club” Monday March 4.

“All the fruit of my life’s work, if I had to have it in euros, I would have difficulty sleeping because I would tell myself that at some point it would no longer be worth anything, that I could lose everything. C “That’s why I have everything in bitcoins. I tell myself that it’s good for generations to come, for the future. I sleep very well with all my holdings in bitcoins,” said the latter.

This statement comes as bitcoin has been soaring for several days, coming close to its absolute record of $69,000. On the night of Tuesday, March 5, bitcoin reached $68,785, coming close to its all-time high of $68,790, reached on November 10, 2021, according to data from Coinmarketcap.

This only strengthened Éric Larchevêque’s convictions regarding bitcoin. At the start of 2023, while bitcoin was lagging after having fallen sharply in 2022, Éric Larchevêque had already declared on BFM Crypto that most of his holdings were in bitcoins.


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