While Bitcoin investors are pouring out champagne to toast a new All Time High, and Ethereum seems to be well on its way towards (perhaps) $5,000, crypto meme enthusiasts are also dancing on their desks. With a growth of 789% within one month, PEPE is doing exceptionally well. Dogecoin (more than 100%) and Shiba Inu (263%) are also doing excellently this month.

However, the show is stolen in particular by Floki, which rose almost 800% in thirty days. The good news? The growth does not seem to be over yet. Is Floki the best token to invest in right now?

Huge increases

Much of FLOKI’s growth came in the past two weeks, when the stock skyrocketed by 200%. Thanks to the good performance, the sympathetic crypto meme now stands at $0.00028045, higher than the previous All Time High that was reached in November 2021.

Thanks to the enormous growth of the token, the market cap has also risen considerably: it now amounts to around $2.6 billion. This ensures that this meme coin has taken quite a few places in the rankings of the largest cryptos. Currently, the token occupies the 48th position. This puts BONK, one of the best crypto memes of the past few months, far behind. To overtake PEPE (in 38th place), Floki will have to accelerate a bit, the crypto meme surrounding the evil frog has a market cap of $3.8 billion.

floki 11-3
Floki rate chart. Source: Tradingview

If we look at the price development of the token over the past thirty days, it is striking that the growth has only started in the past two weeks – while the growth of large ‘serious’ crypto such as the Bitcoin price and Ethereum price started much earlier. . This fits with a recurring pattern in which Bitcoin investors reinvest their tokens in smaller tokens. Meme coins such as Floki benefit from rising confidence in the crypto market with a slight delay.

Floki Inu – Get In Now?

FOMO is growing now that Floki is pumping, and this post might have you ready to invest in Floki. The question is whether that is wise. The biggest pump may already be behind us, and the token will only rise by a few (tens of) percent from this moment on. Still a nice profit, but the best crypto in the meme sector often yields profit factors of x10 or more.

The first Floki investors currently seem to be getting all their profits from the token, and they are looking for a new investment opportunity. Currently, three small crypto coins with potential seem to be in the ideal position to become the new crypto meme hype. What is the best crypto to invest in now?

$PEEN – The secret of meme crypto

Those who invest in crypto generally do not keep their mouths shut about it. Still, it may be wise to keep an investment in the new crypto meme PEEN ($PEEN) quiet from your friends and family. The token’s design, themed around drawn penises and mediocre sexual puns, is rather embarrassing to say the least.

According to the marketing team behind the token, the token is ready to ‘PEEN’ the market, and of course they want to ‘Pump’ it a lot. Big talk, or not? The fact is that tokens around a somewhat banal theme have achieved enormous growth in the past. In that sense, this brand new meme coin (launched in March) does not differ much from what we have seen before.

PEEN is made for fast pumping – with its special design and a small market cap, this token has what it takes to reach a huge high point early (pun intended). If you invest now, you won’t miss the pump. Be sure to take a look at the website to get used to the special design – but first make sure that no one can see your screen.

SMOG – Aidrop with Growth Chance

The team behind the SMOG meme coin, themed around a fire-breathing dragon, is taking a different approach to bringing its token into the mainstream. Following in the footsteps of BONK, they are also organizing a huge free Crypto Airdrop to gain awareness.

The SMOG token drop will, according to the project team, be the largest airdrop ever. No less than 35% of the total number of tokens will end up in investors’ wallets via this aidrop. In addition, large investors and early investors receive more in percentage terms than others. The distribution will take place based on the number of aidrop credits you have collected.

Buy now and stake ensures that you get more value for your money. Bonk was able to rise enormously thanks to the airdrops – will SMOG also succeed?

SPONGE – New chance at x100?

During the bear market in the spring of 2023, SPONGE was one of the best cryptos of the moment. Despite the poor conditions, the token’s market cap rose from $1 million to $100 million, and some investors were able to extract a profit factor of x100 or more from the token.

Now Sponge is back with a new version, Sponge V2. This version is, according to the project team, ‘bigger and better’ than the original. For example, there is now a community ready from the start to organize a rally, there is a larger marketing budget and the token has its own P2E racing game.

If you buy Sponge V2 (which inherits the ticker $SPONGE from its predecessor) with Polygon, you can get 490% staking rewards. This makes investing in this token, which can go x100, very tempting.

Disclaimer: This article contains insights from independent authors and is not part of BitcoinMagazine.nl’s editorial content. This is not investment advice, please do your own research.

Source: https://bitcoinmagazine.nl/nieuws/floki-inu-koers-stijgt-verdere-20-in-24u-is-dit-de-beste-crypto-meme-om-nu-te-kopen

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