Good morning! We have listed the latest news for you. Start the day with a bitcoin breakfast.

Jort Kelder has achieved an important victory in the Amsterdam court. After almost four years of fighting, he won Google’s appeal. According to the court in Amsterdam, the tech giant was negligent in preventing fraudulent advertisements in 2020.

The fake advertisement included the face of Jort Kelder to lead people to bitcoin fraudsters. Kelder worked together with several other well-known Dutch people to get their point in this case. In 2022, the Amsterdam court concluded that tech companies such as Google and Twitter are not liable for misleading advertising.

The supply of bitcoin is decreasing sharply due to increased demand from Wall Street and others. This is what analysts from on-chain analysis platform CryptoQuant state in their ‘Weekly Crypto Report’. They describe it as a “sell-side liquidity crisis.”

They researched available bitcoins on the market, also known as the liquid supply. They fear that this could dry up completely within twelve months if current demand continues at this pace. This year, demand for BTC has exploded, partly due to US Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). This constant demand (‘bid’ in order terms) is starting to become more and more tangible, say the researchers from the Korean company CryptoQuant. According to them, the so-called supply dynamics could change forever in the first quarter of 2025.

Bitcoin is facing a sharp price movement again as the halving changes around April 20, several analysts say.

Bitcoin (BTC) is the subject of various price predictions every day. Now renowned crypto analyst Michaël van de Poppe is making his contribution in a new tweet. He predicts (again) a significant increase in the bitcoin price. According to him, the cryptocurrency is preparing to test the $75,000-80,000 mark before the impending halving.

According to Van de Poppe, bitcoin is currently in a consolidation phase and he believes it is close to the peak of its current run. So there may be another test of the all-time high of $73,794. He expects that after reaching a new peak, another correction phase will follow. The fact that investors are taking profits may be one of the reasons.


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