International marketing can be a powerful strategy for small businesses looking to expand their business into other markets. However, startups that aim for success outside the country need to be prepared to compete in scenarios that demand robust actions. It is necessary to overcome barriers and adapt to different cultural, regulatory and economic dynamics.

First of all, it is necessary to identify whether the business is capable of investing in a global strategy. Companies in early stages, for example, should focus on local customers, while more advanced ones can explore markets throughout Brazil without fear. Companies with products or services with potential for international consumers in large numbers are ideal for growing beyond their own country of origin. Given the requirement for significant resources, the manager must ensure that he is financially capable of reaching higher heights.

Following the steps to success

For the effective implementation of international marketing actions, it is initially crucial to carry out comprehensive research, understanding the target market, identifying opportunities and anticipating challenges. Next, a system must be developed that encompasses objectives, goals, channels and budget. The “start small” strategy is recommended, starting in a specific region and gradually expanding to others.

Intensive focus on the target audience is essential to understand the needs and desires of customers outside the country. Adapting the message and content to your particularities are also important points, as is careful consideration of the local persona’s culture. Furthermore, having the support of partners in the region is vital, as they help in understanding the market, establishing relationships and overcoming challenges, contributing to the success of the work.

Cash benefits

International marketing offers a range of significant advantages for businesses. By providing access to new customers in untapped locations, this tactic can result in substantial increases in sales and revenue. Furthermore, by using the on-scene strategy, startups have the opportunity to effectively educate the market about their products or services, driving greater acceptance and demand.

The fact is that this approach contributes to building a global reputation for many businesses, opening doors to valuable opportunities for partnerships and collaborations with major companies.

*Cleverson Edling is Head of Marketing at Vellore Ventures


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