Conducting a social media audit is an essential component of a social media marketing plan. This allows you to evaluate how well your current use of social networks works for you.

There are a large number of different measures involved in this process, so we have put together a social media audit template that will allow you to carry out your first (or second or third…) audit more efficiently.

Use our social media audit tutorial template

To use the template, just click the button Descargar
in the upper right corner.

Use our social media audit spreadsheet template

To use the template, just click Archive in the top left-hand corner,
then select Make a copy in the dropdown menu.
Plus, we put together this six-step guide on how to conduct a social media marketing audit.

What is a social media audit?

A social media audit is a periodic review of the social media channels that represent your brand, including your business’ own profiles and imposter accounts.

The goal is to ensure that each of your profiles maintains brand consistency and functions correctly, identify and close any clandestine or abandoned accounts, and ensure that you use the channels that make the most sense for your brand.

A 6-Step Guide to Conducting a Social Media Audit

Step 1: Create a Social Media Audit Spreadsheet

Your social media audit needs a home page, which is why you need a spreadsheet. As you apply these six steps, you’ll see that the spreadsheet will start adding new columns automatically.

To start, create a column for each social network, a URL for your profile on that social network, and the owner. The “Owner” field may seem unnecessary, but it is actually very important to keep track of this information; It allows you to know who is the owner of the password and the person in charge of publishing and interacting with followers on that social profile.

Step 2: Conduct research on your social presence on Google

Go to Google and search for your business name to see the social media profiles you appear on. This will allow you to know if there are any clandestine or imposter accounts using your company name. It also gives you the opportunity to know if the correct social media profiles appear in the search results.

You can create a separate spreadsheet to track the results of this search or add a new column, marked “Closing Y/N,” to the original spreadsheet. The purpose of this is to keep track of the need to detect an imposter to inform them to close their account or contact the social network to ask them to intervene in the matter.

Social media templates are here to help you audit your content

Step 3: Evaluate your social media profiles

This is an essential component of your social media audit. As with your social media marketing plan, you need to constantly evaluate your social media profiles.

During the assessment process, create a mission statement for each profile. Make sure each profile fits your business goals and objectives. This will help you decide if being present on said social network contributes to your overall strategy and whether or not it makes sense for your company to maintain that profile.

The social media template will allow you to audit your social profiles

Step 4: Make sure your social media profiles maintain brand consistency

Now that you know which social media profiles you are going to keep, it is time to verify that each of these profiles meets your brand standards such as images, style, etc.

This involves making sure you have a proper profile photo, cover image, bios and descriptions, as well as correct URLs, etc.

Use our social media template to audit your profiles

Step 5: Centralize ownership of your passwords

The process of conducting a social media audit can help you ensure that all of your social media profiles are protected. One way to test this is to centralize ownership of passwords for each profile. For example, you can allow your IT department to have the key to all social media profile passwords. Then, use a password management tool like LastPass to share access based on need for use.

You can audit your social profile with this social media template

Step 6: Create a process

Once you’ve finished your social media audit, it’s time to use what you learned and create an internal process for creating new social profiles going forward. Establish criteria and note who will approve the requests.

For example, write down the following:

  • The solicitor
  • Who is your target audience
  • What type of content will be published on this profile
  • Who is responsible for the publication and interaction

Use the information you discovered through your social media marketing audit to create a stronger social media strategy.

Via: Hootsuite


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