December 5th
By Juan Merodio

How to delete a professional account on Instagram? It is possible to unlink your professional Instagram account and use it again as a personal account. If you have decided that you no longer want to have a professional account and would prefer to return to the previous settings, here we will show you how to do it step by step.

We’ll also explain the reasons why you might want to delete your professional account and what happens when you delete it. Additionally, we will give you some tips on how to manage your Instagram account after removing the pro feature. If you’re ready to get rid of your professional Instagram account, keep reading!

It is possible to unlink the professional Instagram account

how to delete professional account on instagram

How to unlink IG account step by step

If you want to delete your professional Instagram account on social networks and have a personal account again, here we show you how to do it in a few simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account and go to your profile.
  2. Click the menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and select “Settings.”
  4. In the “Account” section, select “Professional Account.”
  5. You will see an option that says “Switch to personal account”, click on it.
  6. Instagram will ask you to confirm your decision. Click “OK” to complete the process.

And that’s it! Now you have unlinked your professional Instagram account and have a personal account again. You can start using it as before and enjoy all the functions and features that a personal account offers.

Reasons why you might want to delete your professional account

There are several reasons why you might decide to delete your professional Instagram account. Here we present some of the most common:

  1. Change of focus: Perhaps you have decided to change direction in your career or business, and you no longer need a professional Instagram account. If your content and goals have changed, deleting your professional account may be a good option.
  2. Lack of interaction: If you have noticed that your professional account is not generating the interaction and engagement you expected, it can be frustrating. Instead of continuing to fight for results, you can choose to return to a personal account and explore other strategies.
  3. Privacy: Sometimes people decide to delete their professional account on Instagram due to privacy concerns. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing certain information or content related to your business or career, deleting your professional account may be the best option to protect your privacy.

How to delete your professional account on Instagram step by step

If you have decided to completely delete your professional account on Instagram and don’t want to go back, here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account and go to your profile.
  2. Click the menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and select “Settings.”
  4. In the “Account” section, select “Professional Account.”
  5. Scroll to the bottom and select “Delete Business Account.”
  6. Instagram will ask you to confirm your decision. Enter your password and click “Delete Business Account” to complete the process.

Remember that by deleting your professional account, you will lose all data and statistics related to that account. Additionally, you will not be able to recover it once it is deleted, so make sure you are completely sure of this decision before proceeding.

What happens when you delete your professional account?

When you delete your professional account on Instagram, all data and statistics related to that account are deleted. This includes followers, posts, comments, messages, and any other activity you’ve had on your professional account.

Also, keep in mind that you will not be able to recover your account once it is deleted. This means you will lose all followers, content, and any other data associated with your professional account. If you have important information or content that you want to keep, be sure to make a backup before deleting your account.

How to return to a personal account from a professional account

If you have deleted your professional account on Instagram and want to have a personal account again, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account and go to your profile.
  2. Click the menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and select “Settings.”
  4. In the “Account” section, select “Switch to professional account.”
  5. You will see an option that says “Switch to personal account”, click on it.
  6. Instagram will ask you to confirm your decision. Click “OK” to complete the process.

Once you have followed these steps, your account will once again be a personal account and you will be able to use all the functions and features associated with it.

Frequently asked questions about deleting professional accounts on Instagram

Here are some frequently asked questions about deleting professional accounts on Instagram:

  1. Can I recover my professional account after deleting it? No, once you have deleted your professional account, you will not be able to recover it. Make sure you are completely sure of your decision before proceeding.
  2. Can I keep my followers when switching to a personal account? No, when you switch to a personal account you will lose all the followers you had on your professional account. However, you will be able to build a new base of followers as you return to using your personal account.
  3. What happens to my professional account statistics and data when I delete it? When you delete your professional account, all statistics and data related to that account are also deleted. You will not be able to access them once you have deleted your account.

Tips for managing your Instagram account after removing the professional function

Once you’ve deleted your professional account on Instagram and returned to having a personal account, here are some tips to manage your account effectively:

  1. Define your goal: Before you start posting content, make sure you are clear about what your goal is with your Instagram account. Do you want to promote your business, share your passions or connect with your audience? Defining your goal will help you create an effective content plan.
  2. Create relevant content: Make sure you post content that is relevant to your audience. Research what type of content they are interested in and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  3. Interact with your audience: Don’t forget to interact with your followers. Respond to comments, like other users’ posts, and participate in conversations related to your niche.

Alternative options to delete your professional account

If you are not sure if you want to completely delete your professional account on Instagramthere are alternative options you can consider:

  1. Deactivate your account: Instead of permanently deleting your account, you can choose to deactivate your account. This will temporarily hide it and you can reactivate it in the future if you decide to use it again.
  2. Switch to a personal account: If you do not want to use the professional feature, you can also choose to switch to a personal account and simply stop using the tools and features related to the professional account.

Remember that these options allow you to keep your account and followers, but you will not be able to access the statistics and data related to the professional account once you have made the change.

We hope this step-by-step guide has been useful to you to delete your professional Instagram account. Remember to evaluate your options and make an informed decision that fits your needs and goals. Good luck on your Instagram adventure!

Juan Merodio

Juan Merodio is an expert in Digital Marketing and Popularizer of the New Economy (Web3, Blockchain, NFTs…). He has founded the company that bears his own name, Juan Merodio, and from where he and his team coordinate and develop business consulting in Marketing and Digital Transformation for companies in different parts of the world such as Spain, Latin America, Japan, Canada and the United States.

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