Twitter is an absolutely essential business tool and should be a crucial point in your social media strategy. If you’re new to Twitter, it may seem difficult: what’s with @s, RTs, abrvcns and #hashtags? One of the most common questions we hear is how do I get more followers? Although your presence on Twitter and social media is a long-term strategy, there are definitely a couple of things you can do from the beginning to start accumulating followers.

Tip 1: Complete your profile completely

There’s not much science to this tip but you’d be surprised how many people and how many companies start a profile and fill out everything but leave their Twitter name blank. When completing your profile, be sure to use images and descriptions that accurately represent your brand and business. This tells your customers that you are active on Twitter.

Tip 2: Start following people you want to follow you

At this point get to the point. If you are a restaurant, follow culture and food blogs. Are you a clothing store? It is in your best interest to follow the area’s media and trend leaders. Each sector has its influencers. If you start following them, they are much more likely to follow you.

Tip 3: Track keywords and hashtags

Do you want to know what is happening in your sector at any time? Set up search columns in Hootsuite that include hashtags and keywords to stay on top of what’s happening in your industry. You can even geolocate these search columns, for when you need to be informed of what’s happening near you. Doing so often reveals great opportunities to engage with potential clients and influencers, which brings us to Tip 4.

Tip 4: Interact with influencers

Influencers are people who help create and persuade opinions. It’s good to have them on your side. Look for opportunities to engage in dialogue with them. Building a good relationship with influencers makes it much more likely that they will mention or retweet you whenever they want. And, who knows? Over time, they may become your brand ambassadors.

Tip 5: Adopt Twitter as a customer service tool

Few things spread faster than a good customer service story. Every complaint or question about your brand is an opportunity that will make you look good. There are many examples of this, but my favorite is when the CEO of T-Mobile gained a new customer through a Twitter conversation.

@JohnLegere It definitely caught my attention. I’m going to the store tomorrow @tmobile to ask!

— Jay Rooney (@RamblingRooney)November 27, 2013

Tip 6: Deliver interesting content

Believe it or not, your prospects care much less about your business than you do. That’s why it’s really important to create and curate the content you offer. Whether it’s an interesting article, important industry news, a clever comment, or a reference to a competitor, use Twitter to post this information.

@McDonalds it already has everything #USA Dying laughing at this commercial. How authentic!

— White Castle (@WhiteCastle) February 2, 2014

Tip 7: Tweet often, but not too much

Tweeting regularly is a good way to keep your brand fresh in people’s minds. But tweeting too much (especially with a lot of non-selling messages or irrelevant information) can fatigue your followers and make you look like a spammer, which could lose your followers. That said, as the New York Times learned, if a tweet gets a big response in the form of retweets, repost it at a later date. It is a good indicator that the content is valuable to your followers and it is likely that not all of them have seen it

Tip 8: Retweet good information

When you retweet someone, you show that you are involved and listening. They are more likely to follow you (if they are not already following you). And they are more likely to retweet your posts.

Taco Bell RT

Taco Bell retweets dozens of fans each week, encouraging many other customers to interact with the brand on Twitter.

Tip 9: Quality over quantity

Devote your energy to acquiring a follower who can benefit from your content rather than simply increasing your numbers. One qualified follower is worth more to you and your business than 10 who are not. These followers are more likely to show interest in your tweets and you won’t be shouting information into deaf ears (or eyes in this case).

Tip 10: Add visibility to your Twitter username

Like your name and occupation, your Twitter username should be on all your materials and communications. Including emails, business cards, brochures and other marketing materials. Do you have to make a presentation? Finish with a slide showing your Twitter username. And don’t forget to follow people with whom you exchange correspondence; It’s a small gesture that says a lot.

Some additional tips:

  • Include your Twitter username (@username) in all your communications: email, business cards, and other social media profiles like LinkedIn.
  • During sales meetings and presentations, place your Twitter username on the closing slide.
  • Follow and interact with other people you’ve met personally at events and conferences

These tips should help you start and maintain a healthy Twitter presence. There is no magic bullet to get new followers. This is achieved through a lot of effort and commitment, which must be an integral part of your social media strategy. Twitter is possibly the best way to communicate and build a good relationship with your customers. Don’t forget to be natural and authentic in everything you post, and you’ll see how everything falls into place.

Via: Hootsuite


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