How to make a Curriculum Vitae

Although we have a guide specifying what to put in a resume, as well as the recommended keywords to include in a resume, this time we are going to stop in the process to create a CV from scratch and with an even more practical approach.

You will know the important elements to include, the importance of a cover letter and how to reflect your personality on the resume, improving your job opportunities.

Personalization of the resume according to the needs and requirements

Customizing your resume is a fundamental aspect to stand out from other candidates in the job search process. Each company has its own needs and requirementsso you should know in depth what they are looking for in the applicant.

You will need to research and understand the characteristics of the company and the position you are applying for. This will allow you to identify the most relevant skills, experience and achievements that the recruiter is looking for in candidates.

Furthermore, it is advisable to adjust the wording and resume language according to the culture and style of the company. Using terminology and phrases that are consistent with the sector and the position to which you are applying can generate greater identification and connection with the recruiter (even adding technical terms that only professionals in that area know).

Use online tools to create an original and professional resume

In the digital age, having online tools to create a resume has become essential. These platforms offer the possibility of designing an original and professional resume in a simple and accessible way.

Create free CV with Adobe

We recommend these two tools to make your resume, since they are free and easy to edit templates:

Remember that when using online tools, it is important to maintain simplicity and clarity in the design. Opt for a clean and readable formathighlighting relevant information such as work experience and skills.

Also, a very interesting tip is use the corporate colors of the company you aspire to. This way they will feel that you have made a specific resume for them.

Attention should also be paid to the structure of the resume, using bullet points or enumerations to highlight relevant achievements and skills. This will make it easier to read and allow recruiters to quickly identify the most important information.

Key elements to consider when creating a resume

When creating a resume, it is essential to take into account several key elements that will ensure its effectiveness and stand out from the rest.

  • Format and structure: The format and structure of the resume should be clear and professional. Use a clean layout, with well-defined sections, and use bullet points or numbers to organize information in an orderly manner.
  • Header: Include a header with your personal information, such as full name, address, phone number, and email address. Make sure it’s easy to find and up to date.
  • Personal description: Add a brief personal description that highlights your key skills and work experience. Use concise sentences and emphasize your strengths relevant to the position.
  • Work experience: List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. Include the company name, position held, and notable responsibilities and achievements in each position.
  • Academic training: Indicate your educational background, such as degrees obtained, educational institutions and years of study. Also include relevant courses or additional specializations.
  • Skills: Mention the skills and competencies that make you suitable for the position for which you are applying. You can include technical skills, language knowledge, communication skills, among others.

Remember that these key elements will help you create a complete and attractive resume for recruiters. Tap into your creativity and make sure your resume highlights your accomplishments and skills relevant to the desired position.

Choosing photography with a white background

A professional photograph can add a personal touch to your resume, as long as it meets certain characteristics.

We recommend using a photo showing a formal appearance appropriate for a professional environment. Furthermore, it is essential that the photo be taken with a white backgroundsince this provides a more serious image and avoids distractions.

If you don’t have a photo with a white background, at least it is a neutral background or without distracting elements behind it.

The photo must be of high quality and have an adequate size so that it can be seen clearly, as well as avoiding blurry, cropped or pixelated images, as they would convey a sloppy and unprofessional image.

Importance of complementing the resume with a cover letter

Complementing the resume with a cover letter is of vital importance in the job search process. This letter provides the opportunity to further highlight the candidate’s skills and achievements, and express interest and motivation for the desired position.

The cover letter can highlight specific aspects of the resume that are relevant to the position, as well as highlight the personality and unique characteristics of the candidate. It is a tool that allows you to show a more complete and persuasive profile to recruiters.

Again, we recommend structuring the cover letter in concise and clear paragraphs, avoiding being redundant with resume information. In addition, it is crucial to adapt the letter to each company or position, previously researching the organization and highlighting how the candidate’s values ​​and skills align with the company’s requirements.

The cover letter must be written professionally and carefully, no grammatical or spelling errors. It is important to convey confidence, enthusiasm and coherence in your speech. A well-written letter can make a difference and catch the attention of recruiters.

Reflect personality and unique characteristics on resume

The resume should not only be a list of skills and work experience, but also should reflect the personality and unique characteristics of the candidate.

To achieve this, it is recommended to use a positive language and focus on the achievements obtained in previous experiences. It is essential to use an appropriate tone that matches our personality and conveys our motivation and enthusiasm.

  • Identify your strengths: Identify those characteristics and skills in which you excel and that are relevant to the position for which you are applying.
  • Highlight your achievements: Mention the successes and achievements obtained in your previous experiences, whether through figures, specific data or recognitions received.
  • Includes interests and activities: If you have interests or are involved in activities related to the industry you are targeting, feel free to include them as this demonstrates your passion and dedication.

Remember that the goal is to show recruiters who you are as a person and how you could add value to the company. By reflecting your personality and unique characteristics on your resume, you will increase your chances of standing out from other candidates and catching the attention of employers.

Steps to make an unbeatable resume

When creating your resume, follow these steps to ensure it’s second to none:

  • Customize your resume: adapt your CV according to the needs and requirements of each company to stand out as an ideal candidate, both in the skills you highlight and in the design (with company colors).
  • Use online tools: Take advantage of online resume editors such as Canva or Adobe to create an original and professional CV.
  • Includes key elements: Don’t forget sections such as header, work experience, educational background and skills, and consider adding extra sections relevant to the desired position.
  • Accompany with a cover letter– Use this document to highlight your specific skills and achievements and demonstrate your interest and motivation for the position.
  • Reflect your personality: Your CV should reveal your unique characteristics as a professional and highlight your achievements and skills most relevant to the position.
  • Highlight keywords– Use terms relevant to your professional field and the position you are applying for to highlight your skills and abilities. This way they will be able to corroborate that you know the subject and that you meet the requirements they require.

Inclusion of keywords in the resume to stand out

An effective strategy to highlight your resume is to include relevant keywords that catch the attention of recruiters. These keywords should relate to your skills, experience, and the industry you want to work in.

These may include specific skills, tools or programs you have mastered, as well as technical knowledge or relevant certifications.

  • Carefully analyze the position profile and highlight the key words related to the responsibilities and requirements of the position.
  • Mention key words in your resume in a natural and coherent way, including them in your skills, experience and academic training sections.
  • Exemplify your skills and achievements with specific situations in which you have used those keywords.

Remember to avoid excessive use of keywords so as not to end up with a loaded and unattractive resume. Use them strategically and make sure they are contextualized within your experience and achievements.

By following these tips, you can improve the quality of your resume and increase your chances of success in your job search. Remember that every detail counts and that a well-presented resume can make a difference.


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