If you use Instagram and want more privacy while browsing, then you probably want to remove the online status from your profile, preventing your contacts from knowing when you are present on the platform.

Is this your case? So, continue reading and check out this step-by-step tutorial on how to go online from Instagram and have the chance to log in and out of the app whenever you want.

How to make your status offline on Instagram?

If you want to be invisible on your Instagram profile, preventing people from seeing your online status or the last time you were there, just follow the steps below.

They are slightly different when we do it on the cell phone and on the computer. Therefore, we will explain how to proceed in both ways. Let’s first show you how to change it via the cell phone app.

How to remove Instagram online on your cell phone?

1. Enter your mobile profile;

Instagram home page. (Source: Pinterest)Source: Pinterest

On your cell phone, log into your account with your login and password. Once inside, tap your profile in the bottom right corner. You will tap your little face, right below the screen.

2. Access your settings;

Now you will enter your Instagram “Settings”. Inside your profile, tap on the three dots, or three stripes, which will appear at the top of the screen, on the right.

3. Tap “Messages and replies to Story”;

Remove online from Instagram.Click on “Messages and Story Replies”Source: Instagram

4. Now enter the “Show activity status” page.

Remove online from InstagramNow, just disable the activities option.

Access the option “Show activity status”. If the button is blue, it means your status is accessible to everyone. Tap it. When it is greyed out, it means that your online status will no longer be available to your contacts.

How to remove Instagram online from PC

Now that you know how to get online using the cell phone app, let’s see how to do it directly from your computer.

The procedure is similar, but some functions may change location. Check out:

1. Enter “Settings”;

(Font: Medium)(Font: Medium)Cast Iron: Medium

Access your profile within Instagram. There, click on your photo on the icon on the far right, at the top of the page. When you do this, a tab will open with several options. Select “Settings”.

2. Go to the “Privacy” option;

(Source: Instagram)(Source: Instagram)Source: Instagram

To take your Instagram online on your computer, you will also have to access the “Privacy” part. But the panel will be slightly different from how it appears in the application.

See in the image that, within the screen, you must click on “Privacy and Security”

3. Change your “Activity Status”.

(Source: Instagram)(Source: Instagram)Source: Instagram

Finally, enter “Activity Status” within this section. You will see that the “Show activity status” box will appear activated. Uncheck the option and save the changes and that’s it! Now people won’t know when you’re online.

What happens when you deactivate your online status on the social network?

(Fonte: Pexels)(Fonte: Pexels)Fonte:  Pexels

Now that you’ve changed the visibility of your profile on Instagram, it’s worth paying attention to some situations. The first point is: you also stop seeing when your contacts are online by removing the accessibility of this information on your profile.

It works more or less like WhatsApp. It’s possible to disable your online status, but that means you won’t get this type of alert from your friends either.

The other point is that this changes how direct messages (DMs) work, which are sent privately from user to user. When you use your DM on Instagram, you can see whether a person has already read your message or not.

When you turn off your visibility, This means you will not have access to that informationin the same way that your friends won’t know if you’ve read their messages.

Therefore, the question here is to consider what is most interesting according to your profile on the platform. It may be that you prioritize your privacy a lot and prefer to invest in invisible status.

Can I reactivate Instagram online?

Yes, you can adjust whether or not you are offline whenever you want: If you regret having deactivated online, just activate your visibility againusing the same paths that we explained here.

Why does Instagram go online alone?

This happens due to the way the application is used. For example, when leaving the app open in the background, the software does not recognize the end of the session and, for this reason, remains online. The same can happen when using the social network in the Web version, when it is left open in a browser.

Continue following the TecMundo to check out more articles and tutorials like this. Also take the opportunity to read the article about Instagram Lite, a lighter version of the traditional social network. To the next!

Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/redes-sociais/243903-tirar-online-instagram-confira-o-passo-passo.htm

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