Instagram and Facebook are two of the biggest social networks at the moment. And along with this popularity, there are a number of companies that rely on advertising to promote their products. Including some that shouldn’t even be there, such as applications that promise to “erase” women’s clothes in posted photos.

In addition to being against the policy of both social networks, which prohibits any publication of nude images, apps promote false advertising. This is because these same promoted software are used to create, via GPT Chat, a type of “virtual girlfriend” that reproduces pornographic dialogues with users.

App ads for creating fake nudes were promoted on Instagram and Facebook. (Image: NY Post/Disclosure)Source: NY Post

Apps also create pornographic images with AI

If such controversy weren’t enough, these same apps also create pornographic images of virtual models, generated through Artificial Intelligence. This also violates another guideline of Meta’s social media usage policies, which prohibits the sale of pornographic content, or even sexual exploitation.

Sites like Wired and the NY Post published articles on the subject, and claimed to have found more than 2,700 ads days before the reports air. Meta, in turn, claimed that mWe are constantly working to ban and remove ads that go against your usage policies.

Advertised apps created virtual chats with pornographic content.  (NY Post/Disclosure)Advertised apps created virtual chats with pornographic content. (NY Post/Disclosure)Source: NY Post

Apple Store removes apps for this purpose

Interestingly, last week, a Apple Store removed a number of applications who propagated this illegal practice, the so-called deep nude. They “removed” women’s clothes in images, superimposing them with naked parts of other people’s bodies, through Artificial Intelligence, creating fake nudes. .

These applications charged virtual credits, which were acquired through real money, so that actions could be carried out, such as removing certain pieces of clothing, or all of them. Here in Brazil, even some celebrities, such as actress Isis Valverde and singer Luiza Sonza, were victims of manipulation of their photos. It is worth mentioning that the practice is a crime and can even lead to jail.

App Store removed apps that generated fake nudes.  (Reproduction/TecMundo)App Store removed apps that generated fake nudes. (Reproduction/TecMundo)Source: Reproduction / TecMundo

Other side

In a note sent to the website g1, Meta, the holding company that owns Facebook and Instagram, says it removed ads that violated usage policies. Furthermore, the company reported that it is improving the detection of illegal content on the platforms. Check out the company’s full note below:

“We removed the ads highlighted by the report as violating our policies. We review content through a combination of AI technology and human teams, which help us detect, analyze, and remove content that violates Facebook Community Standards, Instagram Community Guidelines, and our Advertising Standards. We are always improving our efforts to keep our platforms secure and we also encourage people to report content and accounts that they believe violate our policies through the tools available within the apps themselves.”


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