Social networks are constantly evolving. Previously, they were mainly associated with young people. However, this perception has changed. Today, social networks have transformed into inclusive and open spaces for people of all ages, from pre-teens to seniors. This change not only reflects the increasing digitalization of society, but also highlights the need for brands and marketers to adapt to adapt to the new reality. This further highlights the importance of understanding the particularities of each age group and adjusting content strategies as necessary in order to simultaneously meet the different needs and interests of the target audience.

The luxury market for Generation Z

The rise of Generation Z in the luxury market reflects the power of content aimed at different age groups in consumer trends. Recent studies by Bain & Company, an American management consultancy company, reveal that Generation Z develops an interest in luxury products up to five years earlier than the previous generation. The consultancy also states that in the coming years, spending by young people from generations Z and Alpha on luxury products is expected to grow three times faster than that of other generations, representing a third of the market by 2030.

In this scenario, TikTok emerges as a fundamental tool, with its ability to disseminate viral content and create instant trends. Still according to the research, eight out of 10 “zoomer” consumers (from Generation Z) in the world claim to follow luxury brands on social media, paying close attention to celebrities reviews of influencers. And 75% of Gen Z consumers responded that they purchased something after discovering a product on a social network, such as TikTok and YouTube.

If you consume this social network in question, you have probably already come across video suggestions such as “get ready with me” or “get ready with me“. Most of the accounts with this type of content that stand out are from heiresses with closets full of designer pieces. It’s interesting to imagine what would happen if TikTok hadn’t reached this multigenerational audience. Would it have the same impact on the consumption of luxury products? Probably not. At first glance, we might think that a pre-teen would not be interested in a Prada bag, but with its constant presence on screen, charm emerges and, therefore, this brand becomes popular, resembling the range of fast fashion items – although not in terms of price.

This example highlights how content targeting different age groups can attract an unexpected audience. It is a marketing strategy that deserves special attention. In addition to the fashion trends mentioned, the same phenomenon occurs in other areas, such as men’s fashion, luxury cars and high-end real estate, which have also been impacting the previous generation, as well as other products and services outside the scope of luxury.

Still, it is important to highlight that creating generic content requires care and meticulous study. The secret is to analyze whether your product fits into multigenerational content and, within this context, determine which generations are most relevant to target, taking into account their unique interests, values ​​and lifestyles. In many cases, segmentation is still the best approach. Check out some strategies to learn how and when to apply multigenerational content:

First step: understand your audience

The first step in creating any type of content is understanding your target audience. This step is essential and should not be underestimated. To achieve this understanding, conduct questionnaires, market research and demographic analysis. These are tools that provide insights into the specific interests of your audience. With this information in hand, you can map characteristics, needs and behaviors for a clearer understanding of who your consumers are, empowering you to create unique messages that truly resonate and make sense for the generations you want to reach. As a result, the engagement and relevance of your content will be amplified.

Second step: does it make sense for your brand?

To determine whether multigenerational content is right for your brand, understand the distinct characteristics of each generation, from Baby Boomers to Generation Alpha. This involves not only identifying your predominant values ​​and interests, but also understanding cultural differences and technological developments over time.

Each generation navigates the digital world in a unique way. Generation Z, digital natives, seeks dynamic and interactive content, while Millennials value authenticity and engagement. Generation X appreciates practical and reliable information, and Baby Boomers connect with nostalgia and connection with family and friends. Only with this detailed analysis, combined with an understanding of your target audience, will you have a guide for your marketing strategies, understanding who your product is relevant to and ensuring an effective allocation of resources to reach a diverse audience.

It’s worth noting that we’re not talking about traditional products, like chocolate or t-shirts, which naturally have a broad appeal across all age groups. And yes, specific items, such as high-end smartphones, which may spark interest and desire among Baby Boomers, as well as the luxury products mentioned above, originally aimed at an adult female audience, but which end up attracting the attention of Generation Z.

Third step: if the answer is yes, create multigenerational content

Creating multigenerational content is like painting a picture that captures the attention of different audiences. To achieve this masterpiece, you need to explore colors, textures, and styles that represent the diverse perspectives and interests of each generation:

– Universal themes: find commonalities that inspire all ages. Family, health, education, humor and nostalgia are some examples of themes that generate multigenerational engagement;

– Diversity of formats: explore all platform formats, such as short texts, images, videos, polls and live broadcasts to meet the preferences of each generation;

– Accessible language: use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon and terms specific to each generation. Adapt the tone according to the topic, always seeking inclusion and understanding.

Yes, developing multigenerational content requires ongoing effort. To help with this mission, keep A/B tests monitoring metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate and engagement, and updated performance analytics to evaluate the effectiveness of content across different groups, enabling adjustments as necessary to optimize its effectiveness and reach. So, jump into this universe and then share your experiences with me!

*Camila Renaux, specialist in Strategic Marketing, Digital Marketing and Artificial Intelligence


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