Smartwatches are increasingly popular among casual users, escaping the bubble of technology fans and sportspeople.

In addition to being a great ally for monitoring physical activities, the wearable is a companion for monitoring health and a more practical form of smartphone commands.

And if you want to make a more modest investment, today we have a suggestion for you: the Philco Hit Wear is at a great price on Shopee and has really cool specifications for casual users.

Find out more about Philco’s smartwatch and see if it’s worth the investment:

Philco Hit Wear at the lowest price

4% off

Image: Tecmundo Recommends

A cheap smartwatch, but full of functions! With dust and water resistance, sports and health monitoring, compatibility with iOS and Android, large screen and much more!

R$ 229,90

Philco’s smart watch has a similar look to the Apple Watch, with a large rectangular screen with a 1.7-inch display.

Something that deserves to be highlighted about Hit Wear is the call answering feature, offered thanks to the built-in speaker and microphone. You can also control music from your smartphone.

In terms of health, this smart watch monitors heart rate, blood pressure, oxygenation, calorie burning and also monitors sleep and steps. Additionally, it has a sport mode to help monitor your performance in activities such as running, cycling and weight training, for example.

And to support all these functions, Hit Wear has a 220 mAh battery and Philco announces an autonomy of up to 15 days in stand by mode. You will also be able to rest assured if you get caught in the rain during training, as Philco’s cheap smartwatch has IP68 protectionwhich guarantees resistance to dust and water splashes.

For less than R$220 you can buy this beautiful smart watch and start looking more closely at your health, as well as having easy control of some functions on your smartphone. Take advantage of the offer on Shopee!


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