The non-profit organization Mi Primer Bitcoin has launched a new version of its Bitcoin Diploma workbook. The textbook aims to encourage the adoption of bitcoin.

Mi Primer Bitcoin

The organization is also known as My First Bitcoin, referring to the first steps students take in the world of the largest cryptocurrency. It started teaching in El Salvador after the country introduced the Bitcoin Law in 2021.

In June 2022, the education program scaled up with a ten-week workbook and a pilot program, involving 38 students from public schools in El Salvador. This initiative marked the first time that a BTC Diploma was introduced into the public school system anywhere in the world.

This week the 2024 version of the workbook was shared with the world. It is free to view and use.

The nonprofit is now working with the Ministry of Education in El Salvador, which has used the open source workbook as the main resource for its own BTC-focused curriculums.

It is also working with Bitcoin Beach to train 700 public school teachers across the country to become Bitcoin teachers. These teachers will then offer the Bitcoin Diploma curriculum at their own local schools.

Since 2023, the Node Network has been part of My First Bitcoin, which includes 29 grassroots projects from 18 countries. They also use the Diploma workbook in their own communities, ranging from places like Cuba and the Dominican Republic to South Africa and India.

The curriculum discusses various topics, including the history of money, the rise of government money, the problems arising from fiat money and how BTC provides solutions. It also discusses the technical operation of bitcoin and the lightning network.

The 2023 edition has been translated into 23 languages ​​by a network of more than 40 international teachers, including Korean, Swahili, Luganda, Russian, Tamil, Japanese and Hindi

John Dennehy, founder of My First Bitcoin, says:

“We believe that bitcoin education will change the world, and this new edition is a big step in that direction. Learning financial literacy for the BTC era is empowering and leads to significant second-order effects. That knowledge will encourage us to build, create and plan further into the future – and that changes everything.”


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