Candomblé Distance Axé: Receive Blessings and Guidance from Anywhere in the World


Candomblé Distance Axé is a unique online service that allows you to receive blessings and guidance from experienced Candomblé priests and priestesses, no matter where you are in the world.


  • Receive blessings and axé from the Orishas
  • Personalized attention
  • Convenient and accessible
  • Affordable

Ideal for:

  • People who are unable to travel to Brazil to receive a traditional Candomblé pass
  • People who are looking for a convenient and affordable way to connect with the power and wisdom of Candomblé
  • People who are seeking spiritual cleansing, healing, and guidance


Candomblé Distance Axé is a unique online service that allows you to connect with the power and wisdom of Candomblé, no matter where you are in the world. Through live video consultations, you can receive personalized passes (axé) from experienced Babalorixás and Iyalorixás, providing you with spiritual cleansing, healing, and guidance.

Benefits of Candomblé Distance Axé:

  • Receive blessings and axé from the Orishas: Our experienced priests and priestesses are dedicated to helping you connect with the Orishas and receive their divine blessings. Through the power of axé, you can experience spiritual cleansing, healing, and guidance.
  • Personalized attention: Each consultation is tailored to your individual needs and concerns. Our priests and priestesses will take the time to listen to your story and provide you with personalized guidance and support.
  • Convenient and accessible: Candomblé Distance Axé is available to anyone, anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer or mobile device with an internet connection.
  • Affordable: Our services are offered at a fraction of the cost of traveling to Brazil to receive a traditional Candomblé pass.

Candomblé Distance Axé is ideal for:

  • People who are unable to travel to Brazil to receive a traditional Candomblé pass
  • People who are looking for a convenient and affordable way to connect with the power and wisdom of Candomblé
  • People who are seeking spiritual cleansing, healing, and guidance

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