No company, regardless of its solidity, admirability or modernity, is immune to crises. This basic principle of crisis management, although widely recognized, is often overlooked. It is essential to understand that the severity of a crisis can vary widely, from those that are truly devastating and threaten the core of the business to those that, even seemingly minor, can grow and become significant when amplified by the media.

The Institute for Crisis Management (ICM) in the United States defines a crisis as “a significant situation that causes business disruptions and receives widespread media coverage.” The conceptualization of a crisis varies, but the reality is that crises do not arise unexpectedly. They frustrate stakeholders’ expectations and have deleterious effects, demanding energy to manage. Furthermore, the lack of adequate management can cause damage to the organization’s image and reputation.

Based on research from McKinsey, over the past 10 years, there has been an approximately 80% increase in the number of negative incidents associated with companies. Much of this growth can be attributed to the expansion of the internet, which makes more information available to the general public. This naturally leads to the exposure of opposing ideologies and the possibility of inappropriate actions, emphasizing the importance of caution.

In this scenario, business reputation is extremely important. It directly affects the company’s success, influencing the confidence of customers, business partners, the ability to attract investors and talent. A good reputation is a valuable and intangible asset that drives a company’s growth and sustainability.

Public Relations plays a crucial role in crisis management, acting as a bridge between the company and the public. Effective strategies include quickly identifying and assessing the crisis, communicating transparently and authentically, managing expectations, and maintaining public trust. Tactics such as creating key messages, training spokespeople and constantly monitoring social media are essential to an effective response.

Additionally, an effective crisis management plan is vital, which includes identifying potential crisis scenarios, forming a response team, defining communication protocols, crafting key messages, and conducting regular training and simulations.

The long-term benefits of investing in crisis management and Public Relations are significant: preserving reputation, minimizing financial damage, building customer and business partner loyalty, and building an image as a responsible and trustworthy company.

Leaders, CEOs and directors play a key role in crisis management, leading and communicating authentically to inspire trust. They must be involved in crisis response, support PR teams and communicate key messages.

Promoting a culture of proactive communication and crisis prevention requires investment in training and awareness throughout the organization. This includes educating employees on how to recognize potential crises, regularly communicating crisis policies and procedures, and promoting transparency and accountability.

It is also essential to be aware of emerging trends in public relations, such as the use of artificial intelligence in social media data analysis, the growing importance of corporate social responsibility, and changing public expectations regarding transparency and authenticity.

In short, crisis management and preserving business reputation are fundamental to the long-term success and sustainability of businesses. Do not underestimate the critical role of Public Relations in this context. Be proactive and be prepared, because the next crisis could be just a click away.

*Journalist graduated in 2008, Jéssi Kovatch built a solid career dedicated to public relations, press relations and corporate communications. Since 2015, Jéssi Kovatch has led KR2 Comunicação.


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