April 10th
By Juan Merodio

After the digitalization of many businesses, which until a few months ago only operated on a more traditional level, appearing in the top positions on Google is more necessary than ever to stand out and be the chosen option.

Any effort is little if we take into account that, currently, a large percentage of companies are present on the internet. And it is expected to continue growing.

Not all of them follow visibility and organic positioning strategies. Therefore, carrying out an action plan that includes measures aimed at working on SEO can be key to experiencing an increase in your income in the next year.

Do you want to know what the SEO trends will be for 2024? Some changes are anticipated with respect to what was expected in terms of trends for previous years, as well as several new developments. Discover them and start creating your action plan to position your website or ecommerce.

SEO trends and forecasts for 2024

The pandemic effect has been a hard blow for many businesses around the world. Due to this, recovery will be one of the main objectives that will take center stage in the action plans planned for 2023. These plans will be full of actions aimed at:

  • Promote sales.
  • Gain authority in the market.
  • Support the image of the company.
  • Get closer to the public.
  • Offer itself as the most effective solution in the sector.

In my opinion, one of the measures that should be considered and included in said plan is investment in SEO. That is, investment in activities that promote the company’s web positioning.

We have already seen how the internet and electronic commerce have been the alternative when everything was on pause. This has caused many people who did not trust it, to have dared to try it, to have made their first purchase in an online channel and have verified that it is a more than viable option.

This trend is going to take on greater importance in our lives. So, if you have a business, the best time you can start working on your SEO positioning is now.

These are some of the SEO trends that will have the most impact in 2023:

Loading speed

This trend has been repeating itself for several years. And is not for less. Loading speed greatly influences SEO positioning. Because? If a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, the user abandons it. And this will translate into a high bounce rate.

How can you improve it? Hiring hosting with quality infrastructure, optimizing the weight of all the images, videos and other files that you upload to your website, taking care of its code and using only the necessary plugins. If you install too many, the website will slow down.

Search intent

If you want to take your SEO positioning one step further, something you should focus on is deciphering the search intent of your target audience. Even more than in the key terms you enter in the search engine.

The ideal is to relate both concepts; keywords and search intent. That way, you will know what your users think and need and you will know how to offer it to them.

Content in video format

The same goes for video. For some time now it has been positioning itself as the reference content. But with the growth in traffic that has occurred in 2024, it becomes more important.

The public comes to him to resolve doubts, be entertained and obtain information. If you want to position your brand, work on the video format no matter what.

SEO local

Although the Internet allows us to make purchases in stores anywhere in the world, users opt more for local stores. But, before going to them, they check the Internet for their address, reviews, photographs… Even if it is a restaurant, many look at the menu before going.

One of the main actions to carry out will be to register for Google My Business. In addition to positioning yourself for local keywords such as “Italian restaurants in Madrid”.

Voice search

If in 2020 it was already a trend, in 2024 its prominence is indisputable. With the arrival of devices like Alexa or Google Home, voice searches have skyrocketed.

For this reason, we will have to work even more this year on semantic SEO. As? Including in our content synonyms of the main keyword and longtail keywords.

Responsive optimization

The use of devices such as tablets and smartphones is another factor that continues to grow. In fact, most of the online traffic comes from them. For this reason, Google gives a positive rating to those websites that are optimized for all types of screens.

If you haven’t worked on it yet, 2024 should be the definitive year in which you invest in this goal. You could be missing out on gaining a significant percentage of traffic.

SEO Off page

Another challenge facing SEO positioning in 2024 is the optimization of actions outside our website. Getting links that lead to it will help us increase our visibility.

Social networks could be a good option, but it is not the only one. I recommend that you carry out an analysis of websites where you can add your links, create an action plan that contemplates alliances with them and add strength to your Off page SEO.

Content will continue to be king

There is no doubt about this. If you want to position your website, you are going to have to create content. But not just any content. One that is born from a strategic plan, that pursues certain objectives and that is aligned with your business.

In this way, you will achieve visibility, but also the opportunity to obtain new clients, which is, after all, the ultimate objective of any effort made.

On the other hand, don’t lose sight of the quality of your content. It is another of the aspects in which Google pays special attention and for which it rewards those websites that comply with it.

In any case, we must be very attentive to changes in the Google algorithm. In short, it is he who sets the course for SEO trends.

However, for now, for next year everything indicates that these will be the main elements in which we will have to invest efforts. So get going and don’t lose sight of the possible news that the search engine may present.

Juan Merodio

Juan Merodio is an expert in Digital Marketing and Promoter of Digital Businesses (AI, Web3 and New Technologies). He has founded the company that bears his own name, Juan Merodio, and from where he and his team coordinate and develop business consulting in Marketing and Digital Transformation for companies in different parts of the world such as Spain, Latin America, Japan, Canada and the United States.

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Source: https://www.juanmerodio.com/tendencias-posicionamiento-seo/

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