According to Search Engine Journal, more than 93% of marketing experts promote their businesses through social networks and point out that Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are the preferred social networks. Although 74% report gaining new customers through Facebook, approximately one-third of them used Twitter to successfully obtain new customers. However, with the rush to stay on top of social media and the rise of a culture that demands staying connected 24/7/365, we are putting undue pressure on about the people who make magic on these social networks: the community managers.

If you’re a marketer who feels overwhelmed by the updates and notifications you receive non-stop all day long via email, social media, text messages, and more, you’re not alone. Overwork culture can lead to burnout or worse. The Japanese call it “karoshi” and the Chinese “guolaosi”. In December last year, a young Indonesian advertising copywriter died on her desk after a 30-hour work marathon. Another young copywriter for a Chinese HR company died at her desk after suffering a heart attack. He was only 24 years old. In both cases, it is suspected that extreme work pressure and long work hours were factors that contributed to the fatal outcome.

Your workload may not be pushing you to the brink of burnout, but few social media managers have any free time these days. Don’t let your demanding job of juggling a handful of social networks 24 hours a day overwhelm you. Manage time wisely with this daily checklist:

The 7 Daily Habits of Highly Effective Social Media Managers

1. Listen carefully to what users say about your brand

You probably already did it, but it’s the top priority because it’s the most important thing you should do every day and every minute. This helps you decide what to do to turn your social mentions into positive brand conversations. The trend of using monitoring tools like Social Mention or another of the toolsor even keyword research tools will help you discover feedback about your social media marketing strategy and give you clues as to the direction you should take.

2. Stay on top of your statistics

Numbers, numbers and more numbers… can make or break social media campaigns. Stay on top of key social media metrics: content reach, engagement, new followers, CTRs of your site, ROI on advertising and similar metrics. Use your favorite social media data analysis tools to get an in-depth look at what’s happening on your networks.

3. Watch your back

We often get caught up in things happening on our own social networks that we don’t see what others are doing. However, performing competitor analysis and monitoring is an essential point that every social media team must comply with. For that there are very useful tools like Rival IQ. It is equally important to keep track of the latest industry events and news, and whenever necessary, mention or respond to these developments through your social networks.

4. Make new connections

Social media managers who get carried away with the big picture do their brands great harm. Identify the influencers on your social networks and get in touch with them. Find the main topics that matter and see if you can do something to talk about them. With the profile data you have access to, congratulate your fans on their birthdays or when they achieve professional success. A simple ‘thank you for being part of our family’ will make your followers feel special. And on social networks, over time, your good wishes will be shared among users.

5. Share the story of a ‘happy customer’ at least once a day

Include this action in your content calendar. In addition to the cat videos you might have in mind, highlight a real customer story once a day. To test the authenticity of the story, tag the customer. Another benefit is that your clients will gain visibility.

6. Control the queries that customer service receives

Yes, your brand has a customer service team that handles customer queries on social media. (We hope so!) But even the best teams can overlook some complaints. If you don’t see any response to a query or complaint within an hour of it being posted, you need to step in and help. After all, social media is your baby and keeping your fans happy is your top priority.

7. Build your own content source

Avoid finding yourself in content emergencies on a daily basis by creating a solid source of content that can be used in future posts. Involve an external content agency if you need to and at the very least have at least a week of content prepared, just in case.

As social media managers, most of us are lucky to do in time what others are trying to do on work breaks. Our work can be at the same time exciting, challenging and maddening.

Enjoy the experience of being part of a pioneering generation in social media marketing, something that is transforming the way people and companies communicate. But don’t let the madness overtake your work. With a little structure and a pinch of discipline you can see the path of yellow roses that will lead you to success on social networks.

Via: Hootsuite


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