On Monday, solana became the fourth most capitalized cryptocurrency on the market, surpassing BNB, Binance’s cryptocurrency.

While bitcoin is undergoing a strong correction, let’s focus on solana, the cryptocurrency which is catching up with everyone in terms of capitalization.

Of the 10 most capitalized cryptocurrencies on the market, solana achieved the only upward performance in a week, with a 20% increase, compared to losses for all other assets. This Monday, Solana became the fourth most capitalized cryptocurrency on the market, with $78 billion in capitalization, surpassing BNB, Binance’s cryptocurrency.

Blockchain rapide

How to explain such enthusiasm around this crypto? Solana benefits on the one hand from the institutionalization of bitcoin, which depends on developments in financial products indexed to its price, bitcoin spot ETFs. Furthermore, solana remains linked to a fast, reliable and most of the time cheaper blockchain than that of Ethereum for carrying out operations and transactions.

“Its ecosystem has flourished, including a wave of new meme coins which have spread. Its phones have also been snatched up,” underlines the specialist media Cryptoast.

We are undoubtedly back for a very solid year for Solana, after an already spectacular 2023 which saw it jump 95% in the month of December alone.

Antoine Larigaudrie with Pauline Armandet

Source: https://www.bfmtv.com/crypto/solana-la-cryptomonnaie-qui-bondit-malgre-le-repli-du-marche-des-cryptomonnaies_AV-202403200057.html

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