As mere consumers, we are impacted by a marketing strategy at all times. After all, we are always looking for a product or service and we use digital channels to look for references before consuming. According to a survey by the National Confederation of Store Managers (CNDL) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil), 97% of Brazilians search for information on the internet before purchasing.

The relationship between seller and consumer has changed substantially, becoming almost codependent, a symbiosis in which both parties play essential roles to promote quality products and services in an increasingly demanding market. Digital marketing is the instrument that plays a crucial role in this new dynamic, going beyond a mere sales strategy, and becoming a valuable tool to help people solve their needs, with sales becoming part of the solution.

According to the Digital Marketing and Sales Maturity survey in Brazil, companies have already realized that it is not possible to remain competitive without a digital presence and shows that 94% of companies choose digital marketing as a growth strategy. In fact, 70% of small businesses have a digital presence and sell through social networks, applications and the internet in general, according to Sebrae.

Digital marketing has emerged as a key element in defining consumer decision-making and we who are on that side cannot ignore all the potential for influence and even the points that define consumers’ choices today.

What no one told you about your customer, digital marketing tells you

Before purchasing a product or service, modern consumers conduct extensive online research. They explore websites, social media, forums, reviews and blogs to get relevant information about what they want to buy. Companies end up collecting and analyzing data about consumer behavior and preferences and with this it is possible to provide highly personalized content, advertisements and offers.

Social media also stands out as one of the most influential pillars of digital marketing. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok not only give businesses a way to connect with their audiences, but they also allow consumers to see how other people are using products and services. This creates a powerful form of social proof that directly impacts decision-making.

The viral potential of these platforms is immense and, when other consumers witness the value of a product or service, this directly influences their purchasing decision. Therefore, digital marketing not only allows companies to reach consumers directly, but also leverage consumers’ own networks to promote their products.

Furthermore, one of the biggest advantages we have with digital marketing is the ability to measure campaign performance in real time, which allows for quick adjustments and changes of route based on feedback and results. Of course, if we analyze that consumers respond positively to a campaign, the company can improve it even further, generating a continuous cycle of improvement and maximizing the impact on decision-making.

Another point that cannot be ignored is content marketing. With information in blogs, videos, webinars, organizations can create a connection with consumers and showcase their products and services. This approach not only informs consumers, but also creates trust and authority in the area, in addition to helping them make decisions based on the knowledge acquired.

Digital marketing is constantly evolving and has undoubtedly become a driving force for many businesses. This is not just a passing trend, but a fundamental reality for companies that want to thrive in an ever-changing market. We are facing an essential element in building a deeper and more meaningful relationship between companies and consumers.

*Nayara Anzolin is Head of Marketing at Pascholotto


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