The Stax Ledger, featuring a curved touchscreen the size of a credit card, offers its holders the ability to secure and use their cryptocurrencies.

“Deliveries of Ledger Stax have started,” declares Pascal Gauthier, CEO of Ledger, speaking to Laure Closier on Good Morning Business, Tuesday May 28 on BFM Business. This new wallet, equipped with a curved touchscreen the size of a credit card, offers its holders the possibility of using their cryptos and NFTs daily.

The Ledger Stax has several functionalities: “It is used to store your cryptocurrencies, to make transactions with enhanced security” but also to “secure your passwords, and open apps like X or Telegram”, explains the CEO of Ledger. The objective, with this novelty, is to “open up to the general public”, by offering a product that is “easy to use” and where the technology “makes it possible to attract the greatest number of people”, explains Pascal Gauthier.

“A secure and curved screen”

This product, created with Tony Fadell (who played a role in the creation of the iPod and the iPhone in particular), is the first with “a secure, curved screen”. “We try to do very new things,” emphasizes Pascal Gauthier.

With this Ledger Stax, the objective is to “democratize” cryptocurrencies and encourage as many people as possible to hold their own funds. “We are entering an area where owning your money will become more and more mainstream,” concludes Pascal Gauthier.

Currently out of stock on the company’s website, the Ledger Stax will be available for new orders again this summer, the company says.


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