What is a community manager?… Nowadays we are hearing that term a lot. A community manager does more than manage a company’s social networks. This person is in charge of creating a community around the value that your business offers, sharing important information, and not only selling but also adding a benefit to this group for free.

As we all know, community managers have become a key element in the dissemination of quality content on social platforms. They are in charge of the digital reputation of companies, public figures, etc. They have the great responsibility of connecting and empathizing with the public, so it is advisable to have a good filter to choose the ideal person.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about the famous “sobrinity manager”, who is referred to as the owner’s nephew, a recommendation close to the boss who, due to his “skill” in social networks or because he only has a smartphone, is the “one” to be in charge of social networks. .

In this post we will tell you the important cities that every community manager must have in order to assume the great responsibility of successfully taking the reins of your digital image to your target audience.

What is a community manager – their qualities

1. Communicative: You must not only receive the information but also retransmit it in the correct way. Many of the situations that become important issues in RRSS arise from one moment to the next and the person in charge of monitoring RRSS must be attentive to these situations in real time to be able to react.
2. Passionate: It is important that the person you choose has a lot of enthusiasm for what they do. A person who is passionate about his work meets objectives and will always be responsible.
3. Curious: Certifications, studies and preparation are very important but they must be accompanied by curiosity and a desire to learn. Curiosity and the desire to investigate will always make you reach for more.
4. Researcher: It is important that all the information used in RRSS is previously reviewed, analyzed and verified to check its authenticity and avoid errors.
5. Creative: A true community manager has an enviable imagination, and must have the potential to exploit his or her ideas and communicate them correctly to the public.
6. Analytics: Creativity and fluidity are important for RRSS but must be accompanied by a clear analysis to avoid future problems.
7. Proactive: A community manager is one who does not wait for orders, knows his job and always has alternatives and options to avoid falling into monotony.
8. Flexible: Finally, it is important that there is flexibility and trust between both parties; both the company and the community manager must have the empathy to be able to solve problems and accept changes.

I hope I have been able to give you a little better insight into what a community manager is, as well as what their skills and abilities are. Good luck in the search!

What does a community manager do in Digital marketing?

These concepts can be confusing when talking about a social media manager and other roles within the Marketing department. In any case, in this blog we will show you the functions of a community manager with digital functions.

Imagine being in the middle of a football stadium with all the seats full. You are right in the middle of the court with a speaker, and your job is to communicate with every person in the room. This analogy represents the work of a community manager and digital marketing within a company. A little overwhelming, don’t you think?

Within the industry there is the notion that a community manager and digital marketing are 100% aimed at creating social ads, but it is important to note that while this may be one of their functions, it is not the main one. A community manager is dedicated to creating connections between the company and its community. Its main function is to create value for people who are interested in topics close to the functions of the organization for which it works.

In the previous example we show you how one of our community managers communicated with one of our users. Although in this case a Social Selling function was achieved, the administrator’s objective was to share more product information to improve the user experience. We recommend that social selling be an extra result to the main objective of the community manager and digital marketing; Your goal always has to be to provide value to your followers.

Additionally, we suggest you not leave your personality at home, be kind, be a person. When you are managing the social accounts of a very corporate brand, or one that only sells corporate products, it may seem like it is difficult to express your unique character, but the industry has begun to change its B2B (Business to Business) marketing tactics to repackage those of B2C ( Business to Consumer). In other words, when before they tried to sell a product based solely on its physical characteristics, now they try to sell the image of the brand. Such is the example of Volvo, which with an iconic commercial demonstrated the stability of its trucks. Clearly, a product that only other companies bought and by the way, the commercial was the winner of several international awards.

In the same way that advertising is evolving, we have seen an evolution in its social networks. Remember that when you respond to a tweet from another company, you are not speaking to a faceless entity, you are speaking to a person on the other side of the screen.

The previous point refers to one of the most important tasks of a community manager, creating conversations. That is why it is important that you use your personality and align it with your company’s culture; By doing it this way, you will be able to add intangible value to your communications and thus achieve a higher sharing rate.

Finally, one of the points I want to mention to you about community managers and digital marketing is monitoring the information shared on social networks. You would be surprised, but many “Community managers” do not review mentions of their brand, do not keep track of meaningful interactions with their customers, and therefore do not quantify their efforts… In other words, they cannot measure their ROI.

We have a system where we quantify our interactions in MRM (Meaningful Relationship Moments). These interactions are saved in a database where we track them after a while to see our results and provide more value to our users.

And to all this, what is an MRM? We define it as the instance where one of our tweets or posts changed a user’s attitude in favor of Hootsuite. A very good example is a user who told us that we only remember the birthdays of famous people. In this instance, our community manager scheduled a congratulations message three months in advance to celebrate this person. When the 3 months passed, our user was so happy that in addition to sharing our post, he went from being a user on the free plan to the pro plan.

To conclude, I just want to recap what we have seen, community managers are: communicators, the first layer of customer service, drivers of our content marketing plan on social networks, brand watchers, publicists, and a couple of other functions. . In addition, we learned that the community manager and digital marketing are essential to create digital distribution channels.

Via: Hootsuite

Photo courtesy of shutterstock

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/que-es-un-community-manager-y-8-cualidades-que-debe-tener.html

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