November 23
By Juan Merodio

Discover the best marketing strategies on Instagram. This social network has proven to be a powerful tool for businesses seeking to increase their visibility and sales. Its exponential growth and wide user base make it an essential platform for any digital marketing strategy.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can leverage Instagram among all social networks to boost your business, from creating an account to implementing effective marketing strategies.

Instagram marketing for my business

Creating a Business Account on Instagram

To start your marketing and Instagram, you will need a business account. This type of account offers special tools and features that are essential for business, such as performance statistics and promotion options.

To create a business account, you will first need to download the Instagram app on your mobile device. Then, you can follow the following instructions:

  1. Open the app and select ‘Create new account’.
  2. Enter your email and phone number.
  3. Choose a username and password.
  4. Go to your profile and open the menu.
  5. Select ‘Settings’, then ‘Account’ and finally ‘Switch to professional account’.
  6. Choose the type of account you want and press ‘Done’.

It’s important to remember that Instagram verifies business accounts to make sure they are authentic. This process may take a few days or weeks, but once your account is verified, you can start taking advantage of the benefits of having a business account on Instagram.

What is Marketing on Instagram?

Marketing on Instagram involves using the platform to grow your audience, improve brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales. Instagram is especially popular among users ages 16 to 34, making it a highly effective space for brands, entrepreneurs, and creators.

Marketing strategies on Instagram can include:

  • Organic content: Photos, videos, carousels, Reels and stories.
  • Instagram Ads: Including ads in stories, in the store section and more.
  • Influencer marketing: Collaboration with influencers to promote your products or services.
  • Purchasing tools: Stores tab, labels and product catalog and shopping cart.

Strategies for marketing on Instagram

Now that you have a basic understanding of what Instagram marketing is, we can explore some effective strategies you can implement to increase your income.

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are one of the most popular features of the platform. More than 500 million accounts use Stories daily, providing a great opportunity for companies. Stories can give visibility to your clients’ testimonials, ongoing commercial actions, promotions, discounts and important dates.


IGTV, or Instagram TV, allows users to share full-length videos on Instagram. In addition to sharing valuable content with your audience, you can also receive benefits by having advertising on your videos.


Affiliation involves promoting another company’s products or services in exchange for a commission. From the point of view of marketing on Instagram, it is a viable alternative to increase your income.

Selling your Own Products

60% of Instagram users discover new products on this social network. You can take advantage of this by promoting your own products and using the ‘shopping’ option on Instagram.


Instagram ads are one of the most effective strategies, as long as you avoid common mistakes in Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads. Thanks to segmentation, you can directly reach your target audience.


Live events are a great way to increase engagement with your audience. You can use them to share valuable content and take advantage of the trust they acquire in you to invite them to buy your product.


Instagram giveaways can help you increase your list of followers, give visibility to your products and services, and even generate sales.

Instagram marketing strategies infographic

Make money on Instagram with IGTV

In this way, in addition to sharing valuable content with your audience in this format, you will be able to receive the corresponding benefits for having advertising in your videos (although the requirements or the percentage of commission that the creator will receive are not yet clear).

It is already a reality, IGTV allows its users to monetize the content they publish on the platform. Everything indicates that they will add advertising interspersed in the videos, just as YouTube already does.

In this episode of my podcast I already discussed this topic with you a few weeks ago:


In short, affiliation consists of promoting the products or services of another business or company in exchange for a previously agreed commission. If we see it from the point of view of marketing strategies on Instagram, it is an alternative to increase your income.

You can share content in the feed or in your stories recommending an offer to your audience and, without having to produce stock or spend time providing a service, earn a commission that, in many cases, reaches 50% of the amount the client pays. .

Sell ​​your own products

Another piece of data that you can find on the Instagram website for businesses is that 60% of users say that they have discovered new products on this social network. This information is of great interest to those ecommerce or stores that sell physical products.

Apart from promoting them, you can make money on Instagram by using the ‘shopping’ option on Instagram. From there you can upload photos of your products, a description, add a price and include a call to action so that they go to your website to make the purchase.


Advertising is one of the marketing strategies on Instagram that works best, as long as you are aware of avoiding the typical mistakes in Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads.

Thanks to segmentation, you can directly reach your target audience and show them the content that best suits them.

To make money, most of the time you need to invest. And this tool can help you multiply your investment considerably if you carry out a successful advertising strategy. You can start by investing €100 per month or €1,000.

It will depend on your resources and objectives but, whatever the case, placing ads is a way to obtain visibility, capture the attention of the audience and obtain leads and recurring customers.

Make direct

Live events are a way to increase engagement with your audience. You can use them to share valuable content with them, in a simplified way to what you would do in a webinar, and take advantage of the trust they acquire in you to invite them to buy your product, infoproduct or hire your service with some additional advantage for having accompanied you live. .

This is an example, but there are many marketing strategies on Instagram to apply live. As many as your imagination allows.


Finally, I want to talk to you about the power of giveaways on Instagram. If your account has a considerable number of followers, it can help you increase the list, give visibility to your products and services and even get sales from those who are interested, but were not winners of the giveaway.

The most common thing is that to participate you request that users like the publication, follow your account and mention a couple of friends with the aim of achieving everything we talked about before. You must indicate the rules of the game, the dates, who can participate and when and how you will notify the winner.

Which of these Instagram marketing strategies are you going to implement first? It is likely that some adapt better than others to the sector and nature of your business. Start with them.

As you work, new ideas will appear that will help you continue growing in this social network and obtaining more income. Write them down and see what others are doing. This will also inspire you and help you fine-tune your actions.


Instagram marketing is a powerful strategy for any business. Whether you’re starting from scratch or already have an established presence on the platform, there are many tactics and tools at your disposal to help you achieve your goals. With a little effort and strategy, Instagram can become an invaluable ally to increase your income and grow your business.

Juan Merodio

Juan Merodio is an expert in Digital Marketing and Popularizer of the New Economy (Web3, Blockchain, NFTs…). He has founded the company that bears his own name, Juan Merodio, and from where he and his team coordinate and develop business consulting in Marketing and Digital Transformation for companies in different parts of the world such as Spain, Latin America, Japan, Canada and the United States.

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