In this guide we are going to delve deeper into Content Marketing: We will define what it is, as well as reveal strategies with examples of plans that have worked very well, so that you too can replicate them.

If you like get hundreds of thousands of readersthis is all you need.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a digital marketing strategy consisting of create, publish and distribute relevant and valuable content to attract and retain a target audience.

The main objective is to establish a relationship with the public so that, In the long term, it translates into trust and loyalty towards the brandand finally in specific actions such as purchases, subscriptions or recommendations.

He’s a marketing guy It does not seek to sell directly, but rather to offer useful information or entertainment. that satisfies the needs and interests of potential clients, thus establishing a deeper and less aggressive connection.

As Ann Handley mentions, “empathy in marketing is not everything you do, but what you do for your customers.”

For this reason it is very important know in detail what our target audience might need or likeas well as avoid selling directly.

Examples of Content Marketing that work

We could dedicate entire books to examples of content marketing strategies that have worked throughout history, but we are going to highlight some that are very different from each other, so that you have a greater variety of ideas:

Nude Project Podcast

Nude Project is a streetwear style clothing brand, which saw potential in podcast interviews.

You will wonder, “What is a clothing brand doing with an interview podcast?” And the answer is very simple: content marketing.

Thanks to this podcast have achieved millions of loyal listeners who now know the clothing brand. And, of course, in each of their episodes they are dressed in their best models.

Nude Project exampleNude Project example

It is a non-aggressive, totally natural and organic strategy, by which people consume useful or entertaining content that is associated with a brand to retain said public.

As you can see, here lies the charm of well-done content marketing: we do not bombard the public with aggressive advertising messagesbut They are the ones who decide to listen to us because we contribute something interesting.

Rechupete Recipes Blog

In fact, practically any blog whose purpose is to help its users, could be considered content marketing. If you don’t have one, we encourage you to create a blog, because it’s all about getting started.

We are going to give you the Rechupete Recipes blog as an example, which is one of the most popular cooking blogs in the country. In fact, its acceptance was so great that it has been integrated into the ABC newspaper, also one of the most recognized internationally.

Example of a blog with content marketingExample of a blog with content marketing

However, as we mentioned at the beginning, here we could give thousands of blogs as an examplesince many of them have the objective of helping the people who enter it, without directly or aggressively selling any product or service.

The most important thing in this aspect is to offer useful and valuable content for the user, putting ourselves in their shoes and ensuring that their experience on the page is as satisfactory as possible.

In fact, it would be very useful if you knew what SEO is to position your website on Google, or how to get more visits to your website, since it will make the task of growing your number of readers much easier.

Instagram de Marketing and Web

On this occasion we are going to take advantage of our work in Marketing and Web, and we are going to give you our Instagram page as a reference and where we actively work on content marketing.

How? Very easy.

We use all the formats available on Instagram:

  • Publications with useful images, like a list of tools for marketers.
  • Carousels of educational content, such as a series of tips for making attractive ads.
  • Reels with short tips, like content pills in which we summarize tricks to sell more.
  • Stories with news from the marketing sector, related to any aspect of interest to the public.

Example of content marketing on InstagramExample of content marketing on Instagram

As you can see, we insist on the idea of ​​offering value to the user, since it is what, by definition, will help us establish a good content marketing strategy.

BBVA YouTube

It may surprise you, but BBVA bank has worked on its content marketing very effectively inside YouTube:

They created a parallel channel, called “We Learn Together 2030”, where They share interviews and talks of great interest For the general public.

Some examples of videos they released and that have had a very high impact They are “Mathematics for real life” (more than 30 million visits), “Keys to avoid emotional dependence” (more than 20 million visits) or “Neuroscience” (more than 20 million visits).

Example of content marketing on YouTubeExample of content marketing on YouTube

This strategy has been based, as we observed, on offering professional and rigorous contentso that the mentality of professionalism is associated with the BBVA entity.

That is to say, we do not find videos like “BBVA launches a new promotion for young students”, but rather they work on content with a totally different focus: entertaining or useful videos for their target audience, without a focus on direct sales.

Multichannel strategies

Now that we have seen some examples of content marketing by companies and entrepreneurs, I did not want to miss the opportunity to talk to you about a relevant topic, and they are the multichannel strategies.

As the name suggests, multichannel strategies are based on leverage content for multiple distribution channels or social networks.

It’s a way to be more productive in generating contentsince with the same idea we can work on different formats.

Let’s see a clear example:

  • I create a video for YouTube 15 minutes.
  • I select clips with the best moments to upload to TikTok, Reels and YouTube Shorts.
  • I extract the audio of the YouTube video and upload it in podcast format on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and similar.
  • I adapt the script of the video I made, and I upload it as an article for my blog.

As you can see, from a video for YouTube we have achieved content for other platforms or social networks. A super efficient way to be present everywhere without consuming enormous resources.

How to develop a Content Marketing plan

Now that we know what content marketing is with examples, it is time to take action: we will see how to create a content marketing plancompletely and step by step.

Steps to create a content marketing strategy

  1. Define your objectives: Before starting, it is important to be clear about your objectives. Do you want to increase traffic to your website, improve search engine positioning, generate leads, increase sales, improve brand perception? Remember that, even if your goal is to sell, you cannot be aggressive in selling during the content.
  2. Know your audience: Understanding who your target audience is is crucial. Investigate their needs, problems, interests and behaviors to create content that is useful or entertaining to them. You can also see what they search for on the Internet through Keyword Research (it will be very useful to avoid blindly rambling about what they search for on the Internet).
  3. Initial internal and external audit– Conduct an audit of existing content to evaluate what works and what doesn’t. This will help you identify opportunities and gaps in your current strategy. You can analyze both your own content and the content that your competitors have uploaded, to learn from them.
  4. Content planning– Based on your understanding of your audience and marketing goals, plan the types of content you will create. As we have seen before, they can be blogs, videos or podcasts. Also determine the distribution channels, such as your website, social networks, email marketing, etc.
  5. Content calendar: Create an editorial calendar that details when and where each piece of content will be published. This will help you maintain a consistent posting frequency and organize content production. This content must be aligned with your ideal audience, your objectives, and the brand image you want to give.
  6. Content promotion: It is not enough to create and publish content; you also need to promote it. Use your social media channels, email marketing, as well as paid advertising to increase the reach of your content if you have the budget for it.
  7. Measurement and analysis– Use analytics tools to measure the performance of your content. Look at metrics like web traffic, dwell time, conversion rates, and social media engagement to evaluate what’s working and what’s not. It is also important, after analyzing the results, to establish conclusions and next actions.

With these steps you will have developed an effective content plan for any platform or distribution channel.

Useful tools for doing Content Marketing

Finally, in addition to acting, it is also important, as we mentioned in the last point, to analyze the strategies that we have developed to check if they have had a positive or negative effect.

In this regard, we highlight the following:

  • Google Analytics 4 to measure web traffic and set conversion goals.
  • to measure how many clicks a link has received.
  • Each social network usually has its own analytics section. For example, on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or TikTok you have the possibility of accessing the statistics section of your account. Or, if you prefer, also tools for Twitter.
  • Email marketing statistics, if using this communication channel. Normally, the platform you work with gives you relevant metrics such as the opening rate or the percentage of clicks you have received within your newsletter.

Thanks to these tips and tools you will be able to develop content marketing that goes further than your competition. Remember that the user must be the focus of said strategy, and must feel that you are contributing something to them, whether it is entertainment or training.


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