If you are thinking of creating your own business project or any other project, you will probably need to give it a certain level of presence on the internet. This works this way simply because the Internet is an integral part of our lives, and everything we want to find we first look for on the global network.

In this case, whatever type of website you are going to implement, you will necessarily have to face the choice of hosting service provider. This type of service allows you to rent or rent a space in the cloud to host what you need that is publicly available such as a website, a web application, among others.

It is at this point where things can become a little cumbersome, since you have the website ready but you don’t know what service to hire as there is an abysmal amount of offer available in terms of hosting provision. Therefore, you must take into account some factors that the providers do not inform us about, but that are key to the success of our web projects or at least will save us the time that we could lose if we tried several until we found the right one.

If you don’t yet have a website to publish, you can create one by following a step-by-step tutorial like the one provided by hostinger.eswhich will allow you to create a completely functional and dynamic site without needing to know how to program or design.

The factors to take into account are:

#1: Technical Support:

We place it first for a simple reason: it is the element that prices the service, even with various characteristics. This happens due to the cost it represents for the provider to have a team of trained people available to provide you with assistance and solve the problems that may arise.

In no way should you ignore this detail, since any type of complex service or software may suffer unexpected situations and problems on which the correct functioning of your web project will depend. Do not hire services that do not have this fundamental characteristic or provide it in a limited way.

#2: Bandwidth:

It is usually a characteristic ignored or overshadowed by others, such as disk space. This is a fairly limiting factor since it involves all interactions in terms of data exchanged with the serverin a limited period of time that is usually 30 days.

Thus, when you exceed this amount in the indicated time, your website is no longer available until the next period. Many providers offer plans with exaggerated amounts of disk space (which limits the number of files you can store) but speaking in web terms, they are not at all necessary since a little is usually enough. They do this to hide the limited bandwidth they offer.

Therefore, you must estimate how much data you are going to exchange per month, and this includes: file uploads and downloads, page visits, video views within the site (only if they have been stored on the hosting). You can also make sure that the supplier allows a easy scalabilitymeaning that you can change your plan if the current one is too small for you, so you can start from the most modest one and save on oversizing.

#3: Robustness and reliability:

Although it is the third element on the list, you should not think that it is unimportant, but rather that it is difficult to measure. This type of parameter is built throughout the supplier track record as a company and serves us as clients to evaluate it in the technical aspects that are not shown explicitly, but that imply good operation and performance of the service, something that will give us robustness, reliability and confidence to our web projects, which They must also generate confidence in the public for whom they are intended.

A form of indirect measurement is perform a search related in the favorite search engine, this will give us a measure of relevance since the search algorithms are focused on providing the most relevant results first, combined with security factors such as SSL certificates, user experience, absence of malware among other new criteria that They have recently incorporated search engines. In this way, you will be able to measure its success based on the experience of other users in previous cases.

You must be careful because there are sponsored results that the search engine places at the beginning which you should ignore because in those cases, the providers have paid for it to be located in that place. So you just have to focus on the organic or natural results.

You can see in the image the sponsored results enclosed in a red rectangle and the first of the natural ones in green.

#4: Centralized services:

Although it is not an exclusive requirement, it is quite convenient that the provider not only provides the hosting or hosting service, but other related services that are equally important, such as:

  • Domain sales
  • SSL security and encryption certificates
  • E-mail accounts

Although you can contract all these functionalities separately with another provider, it results in a differentiation parameter between one option and another, since it is a clear advantage to have all these solutions, which must be connected, under the same orbit. And it results in a process of much simpler configuration.

Regarding the domain, you should choose one that is simple and easy to remember. This way you ensure that your website can be accessed as quickly as possible and without intermediaries. For this you must also choose the appropriate suffix or ending: .com, .net, .org depending on the category of your project.

Don’t use free domains or subdomains because generate distrust and you could ruin the entire project to save a few dollars a year.

As for the security certificates, the role that they have acquired recently is of vital importance, since it prevents attackers from stealing the information that is being exchanged between the visitor and the server. So, if you want to create a online shopping cart or store sensitive user information, you must have this element to motivate users to get involved. In this sense, trust is vital for the success of your project. Even search engines reward this behavior by placing results higher in the list.

Having already selected the winner, the hiring and publishing process has become extremely simple, you just have to follow the instructions from the control panel provided by the provider. And Happy Web!

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/que-debes-tener-en-cuenta-a-la-hora-de-elegir-un-hosting.html

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