Who doesn’t follow me on Instagram?… Growing your Instagram community can be challenging, but maintaining your followers can be even more difficult. The smartest brands work to understand their audience and give them enough reasons to stay with their followers. To ensure they don’t unfollow you, it’s important to personalize your content, use good quality images, and maintain an active digital presence.

But what happens when someone stops following you? Is there any way to know who those people are who probably just followed you to be followed? The answer is yes! There are several ways to find out who does not follow you on Instagram. However, before you start unfollowing profiles on your Instagram lists, consider whether these accounts are worth unfollowing. A large part of the profiles that have these types of problems follow growth practices that many professionals consider unsustainable or that generate spam. Either way, if you grow your community with content, interactions, and a genuine interest in your audience, and you just want to shorten your “following” list to improve your engagement rates, followers/subscriptions, etc. This article is for you.

Who doesn’t follow me on Instagram? Third party applications.

As of April 4 of this year, Instagram made changes to its usage policies. One of the biggest was limiting access to your information to third parties. Excellent! TRUE? Well, it is not if you agree and want to share your information with these applications.. But.. Well, it is no longer possible.

You’re probably wondering why I’m sharing this information with you if it no longer works? The reason is that I would like to keep you safe. In general, I would never recommend sharing your personal information with someone you do not trust, but if for any reason you decide to do so, I just want you to know that it can no longer be done. In other words, if a company still offers these services, the chances that it is trying to steal your information are quite high… of course, that is only my point of view, the point of view of a specialist in social media marketing.

The good news is that if you really want to know who doesn’t follow you on Instagram, you can still do it! The process is less efficient, but it is possible. Ah! Before continuing and as a Pro tip, I recommend using review sites every time you interact with a company other than the social network. This will allow you to evaluate if the company is trustworthy. Common sense Hmm? But, you’d be surprised how many people don’t. However, some review companies can also be fraudulent. So be careful!

Now yes. Who doesn’t follow me on Instagram? Manual review

This process can get as sophisticated or simple as you decide, but don’t be surprised if you end up using Excel or another cell application to clean up your lists. By the way, in my opinion and that of many experts in the field, the question should not be: Who doesn’t follow me on Instagram? Otherwise, who doesn’t interact with me on Instagram? Don’t just follow the people who follow you, follow those profiles that interact with your brand. At the end of the day, these are the people who generate value for your profile, and in many cases they are the last ones we follow. But as they would say in my town, that is another story and another article focused on interaction, audience growth and their correlation… Hmm.. I think I’m going to start writing it. Thanks for the idea guys.

Getting back to the topic of the blog, the easiest way to narrow down your “following” list to only the people who actually interact with your profile is to review your engagement history from the last 2-3 weeks. Of course, this will depend on the size of your account, but generally I would recommend using at least fourteen days. Participation history? I am referring to the likes, comments, views on your stories, videos and messages. It’s very simple, in a list (paper, excel, numbers, google sheets, or simply on your phone.) write the name of all the people who have had any interaction with your profile. If you want to take it a step further, include how many times they have participated with your account 1? 2? fifty? Maybe you have a fan… and identifying those promoters is one of the most important steps in growing your profile.

Now that you have identified your fans or at least other users who interact with your profile, you can put an end to the question: Who doesn’t follow me on Instagram? Even more importantly, it will show you which profiles are worth following and which ones you could cut, if what you want is to reduce your “following” list.

The steps to stop following these inactive profiles are very simple. All you have to do is go to your Instagram profile, click on “Followed”, compare your list of active users, and click on “following” again on the profiles that are not interacting with you.

Our recommendation is that before asking yourself: Who doesn’t follow me on Instagram? Start building a strategy to keep your followers interacting with your account.

What to do when someone stops following you on Instagram?

Here are some tips to prevent someone from unfollowing you on Instagram or to increase your level of interaction with your existing followers.

Tip #1: Personalize your Instagram™ account

Instagram has an incredibly active community and just like other social networks, you will get what you give. Arrange your content to fit the style your Instagram community enjoys most and don’t be afraid to be fun, try new things, or get creative. They are much more likely to unfollow you if your content is boring and repetitive. For example, posting unattractive photos of your products too often will cause you to lose followers instead of gaining new ones.

Think of innovative ways to incorporate your product into a visual story, often it’s as simple as taking a photo of your product in a park or cafe. Brands that have chosen to advertise on Instagram have become successful because they save time and effort by creating a single photo that captivates their audience that at the same time helps them showcase their brand identity in a creative way.

Tip #2: Post high-quality photos

Instagram is a visual platform, therefore, to avoid being unfollowed it is vital that you post high-quality photos. It’s very easy to lose followers if you post blurry, unfocused photos. With how modern the cameras of the smartphones and with the fact that Instagram allows you to post images from professional cameras, brands have no reason to produce poor quality content.

If you don’t want to lose followers, you need to invest in the quality of each photo you post on Instagram. Take the time to edit your photos using apps that don’t use built-in filters like VSCOcam or Afterlight and if you’re really inclined, learn what colors work best on Instagram. In any case, if you don’t have the budget to buy a medium format camera… (approx. 50,000 USD… Priceless) Don’t worry. An image is much more than the camera that takes it. Study topics like “Composition of a photograph” “Photographic themes” “Lighting” “Photographic styles” and “colors”. I promise you that your photos will improve much more if you study these concepts than they would if you change your Smartphone for a professional camera.

You do not believe me? I share one of my most recent photos with you. I know, it’s not “excellent” or “professional”, but I took it from my iPhone… And believe me, it’s much better than what I used to upload from my professional camera before.

Tip #3: Post and interact regularly

The number of brands using Instagram has increased 80% in the last year but only 57% of brands post at least once a week. If you don’t post content regularly, your followers will get bored, lose interest, and may unfollow you. What’s the point of having an account for your brand if you don’t interact with your audience regularly?

But at the same time, posting too frequently is the main reason why Instagram users unfollow certain brands. Limit your posts to once or twice a day and do them during times when users are most active (usually 8:00 am and 5:00 pm).

Create a content strategy and schedule for Instagram as you would for other social networks. While the Instagram API doesn’t allow you to schedule posts, apps like Latergram.me give you the ability to pre-upload your photo and message as well as receive notifications with reminders to post at certain times.

The natural cycle of followers on Instagram

Inevitably, all brands lose followers at some point but if you’re smart, you’ll learn from the experience and improve your Instagram presence. Use a tool to track how many followers you gain and lose (if your research deems them “trustworthy”). If you lose more followers than usual in a day, review the content you’ve posted to see how it relates to the rest of your photos and adjust your strategy. For example, if you normally post fun, bright, outdoor photos and then notice a bit of disinterest when posting a photo of your product inside a restaurant, there’s a good chance that this is a very obvious indicator of the type of content you’re posting. your audience enjoys.

The best way you can maintain your followers? Be human and interact with them! Follow, comment, and like posts from your Instagram community to show them how much you care. Remember that a simple “like” can be a reminder of your brand.

Via: Hootsuite

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/quien-no-me-sigue-en-instagram.html

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