There is an extensive bibliography on Social Media on the Internet, which can help us better understand the dynamics of social networks.

1. What is Social Media? (What´s Social media?)
Here’s a good perspective on the definition of social media, why it’s important, and what some of the main players are (blogs, wikis, etc.)

You can download it from here.

2. Building a Social Media team (Building a socialmedia team)
Since a social media team is different from the traditional work team we know, Ambar Naslund shows us some methods to better use human resources and increase its productivity.

The author, who works as Community Director at Radian6, explains step by step how to start building a team of these characteristics and how to plan daily activities. She also shows how internal blogs, Twitter, instant messaging tools, among others, can be useful to integrate the team and maintain solid communication.

You can download it from here

3. How Social Media is changing Public Relations and the way it was practiced (How Blogs and Social Media are Changing Public Relations and the Way it is Practiced).

This article examines the impact that blogs and other social media are having on the practice of Public Relations. The findings suggest that social media complements traditional news media, and that blogs and social media coverage influence traditional news media. The study reports how blogs and social media have achieved more instantaneous communication by encouraging organizations to respond more quickly to criticism.

You can download it from here.

4. Social Media Manifesto (The Future of Communications – A Manifesto for Integrating Social Media into Marketing)

Social Media has created a new layer of influences. It is understanding the role people play in the process of not only reading and disseminating information, but also how they in turn share and create content for others to participate. This, and only this, allows us to truly grasp the future of communications.

The socialization of information and the tools that allow it are the background of social media and ultimately, the social economy.

You can download it from here.

5. Social Networking, The “Third Place” and the Evolution of Communications (Social Networking, the “Third Place”, and the Evolution of Communications)

This report covers how social networking is changing the way people communicate both online and offline.

You can download it from here

6. Customer Service: The Art of Listening and Engagement Through Social Media (Customer Service, The Art of Listening and Engagement Through Social Media)

Brian Solís talks about customer service as the new marketing, where it is necessary to have greater participation in social media in order to facilitate communication. But, to do this, it is necessary to establish strategies that allow customers to become evangelizers of the brand. How to do it is the answer that this book aims to give.

You can download it from here.

7. The art of the Online Community (Art of community online)

For those who are interested in the development of communities on the Web. In this ebook Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager, talks about his experience and how he has built a community around this brand. He mentions, for example, how to recruit members, motivate them, manage them and keep them happy so that they are part of the community.

You can download it from here.

8. Let’s Talk: Social Media for Small Business (Let’s talk – Social Media for Small Business).

Basic for those who are starting out and want to know how Social Media can be effective for small businesses. In this book, John Jantsch shows some examples of how to do marketing through blogs, social networks, among others.

You can download it from here.

9. The Essential Guide to Social Media (The Essential Guide to Social Media)

This ebook by the prolific Brian Solís is a guide for anyone who wants to get started in social media with marketing objectives.

You can download it from here.

10. Social Media Guide for Organizations (The Secret Underground Guide to Social Media for Organisations)

This ebook is about how to introduce a spirit of innovation and experimentation into the communications of a large company.

You can download it from here.

It is clear that these are not the only free books on social media, but I think this list is a good start.

Via: Business women


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