January 23
By Juan Merodio

How can I get more views on YouTube?

Sometimes it can seem like a daunting task trying to increase views on your YouTube videos. But don’t worry, you’re in the right place to learn how to create viral videos. In this article, we will provide you with 10 effective ways on how to get views on YouTube. To understand how to get more views on YouTube, you must first understand how YouTube works.

YouTube, like Google, has its own algorithm that decides which videos will appear at the top of search results. But how can you use this algorithm to your advantage? Well, that is exactly what we are going to explore in this article.

Additionally, we will also discuss how to properly use the YouTube SEO to increase your views and we will provide you with some case studies of people who have been successful on YouTube. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

10 tricks to have more views on YouTube

To learn how to get views on YouTube, it is important that you know some tricks that can help you increase your views. Here we present 10 tricks that you can use to increase your views on YouTube.

  • The first trick is to make sure your videos are engaging and high quality. If your videos are boring or low quality, people probably won’t watch them until the end, which can affect your views.
  • The second trick is to use relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions and tags. This can help you appear in search results when people search for topics related to your videos.
  • The third trick is to share your videos on other social media platforms. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase your views.

Understanding the YouTube algorithm

Before you can learn how to get more views on YouTube, you must first understand how the YouTube algorithm works. YouTube’s algorithm is what determines which videos appear in search results and user recommendations.

YouTube’s algorithm is based on a number of factors, including the relevance of the video, the popularity of the video, and the time users spend watching the video. Therefore, it is important that you do everything you can to make your videos relevant, popular, and attractive to YouTube users.

Additionally, YouTube’s algorithm also considers user interaction such as comments, likes, and shares. Therefore, it is important that you encourage interaction on your videos to increase your views.

10 Effective Ways to Increase YouTube Views

Now that you understand how the YouTube algorithm works, it’s time to learn how you can use this knowledge to increase your views on YouTube. Here are ten effective ways to increase your views on YouTube.

  • First, make sure your videos are high quality and attractive to YouTube users. This can help you increase the amount of time users spend watching your videos, which can improve your ranking in YouTube search results.
  • Second, use relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. This can help you appear in search results when people search for topics related to your videos.
  • Third, share your videos on other social media platforms. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase your views.

How to use “how to get views on YouTube”

To learn how to get views on YouTube, it is important that you use all the tools and resources available to you. One of these tools is the YouTube search function, which you can use to search for “how to get views on YouTube.”

This search will provide you with a large number of videos and tutorials that will teach you how you can increase your views on YouTube. Be sure to watch several of these videos and take note of the tips and tricks they offer.

Additionally, you can also Google “how to get views on YouTube” for even more tips and tricks. Remember, the key to increasing your YouTube views is being willing to learn and try new strategies.


One of the biggest secrets behind how to get more views on YouTube is understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another, so it’s important to try different strategies to see what works best for you.

Another secret is to be patient. Increasing views on YouTube can take time, so it’s important not to despair if you don’t see immediate results. Keep trying different strategies and over time, you’ll likely start to see an increase in your views.

Finally, remember that the quality of your videos is crucial. No matter how many tricks and strategies you use, if your videos are not high quality, you are unlikely to get many views.

Tips on “how to get views on YouTube for free”

If you are looking for how to get views on YouTube for free, here are some tips that can help you.

  • First, make sure your videos are high quality and engaging. Low-quality or boring videos are unlikely to get many views, no matter how many tricks and strategies you use.
  • Second, use relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. This can help you appear in search results and attract more viewers to your videos.
  • Third, share your videos on other social media platforms. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase your views.

Case Studies: Success Stories on How to Get More Views on YouTube

There are many people who have been successful on YouTube and have managed to increase their views significantly. Here are some case studies that may inspire you and give you ideas on how you can increase your own views on YouTube.

An example is PewDiePie, which has managed to accumulate more than 109 million followers and billions of views on YouTube. PewDiePie has achieved this success through a combination of high-quality content, fan engagement, and effective use of YouTube SEO.

Another example is T-Series, who has managed to accumulate more than 160 million followers and billions of views on YouTube. T-Series has achieved this success through a combination of high-quality content, an effective marketing strategy, and effective use of YouTube SEO.

How to use YouTube SEO to get more views

YouTube SEO is a powerful tool that you can use to increase your views on YouTube. Here are some tips on how you can use YouTube SEO to increase your views.

First, make sure your titles, descriptions, and tags contain relevant keywords. This can help you appear in search results and attract more viewers to your videos.

Second, make sure your videos are high quality and engaging. Low-quality or boring videos are unlikely to get many views, no matter how many tricks and strategies you use.

Third, encourage interaction on your videos. Videos that have a lot of comments, likes, and shares tend to rank higher in YouTube search results.


In short, increasing your YouTube views is not an easy task, but with patience, perseverance, and applying the right strategies, you can significantly increase your YouTube views.

Remember, the key to getting more views on YouTube is to create high-quality content, use relevant keywords, share your videos on other social media platforms, and encourage engagement on your videos.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable information on how to get more views on YouTube and that you are ready to put these tips and tricks into practice. Good luck!

Juan Merodio

Juan Merodio is an expert in Digital Marketing and Popularizer of the New Economy (Web3, Blockchain, NFTs…). He has founded the company that bears his own name, Juan Merodio, and from where he and his team coordinate and develop business consulting in Marketing and Digital Transformation for companies in different parts of the world such as Spain, Latin America, Japan, Canada and the United States.

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Source: https://www.juanmerodio.com/como-tener-mas-visitas-en-youtube/

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