Foursquare Company Pages are no longer limited to large corporations. Now we can all create our own page and get all the juice.

While foursquare was trying to determine its business model and only allowed large corporations to create company websites, more than 3,000 pages have been created coordinating the designers of foursquare and those of the brand itself. With all the time and money that this has entailed.

Now anyone can create their company or business page, allowing for all the advantages that this could bring for businesses based on a physical location. These pages allow you to interact with users through “tips”, that is, advice or recommendations.

To create your own company page on foursquare and get it up and running:

      1. Go to the following link: create company page with foursquare
      2. Login with your user account
      3. Login with your company’s Twitter account
      4. Complete the form (It’s like the one I posted below)
      5. Create a 860×130 pixel banner and upload it. (size limit is 250kb)
      6. As always, the text of the description and the links are critical, spend some time on it.
      7. Add some tips to get started
      8. Invite company members who want to collaborate

One of the most important improvements is that it allows a team of people to manage the company account.

Here are some screenshots of the creation process:

In the rush of the post I have not spent much time on the description, we will have to improve it 🙂

And the final finish for the BrainSINS foursquare page:

I also recommend visiting the FAQ for company pages.

Via: BrainSins


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