There is a specific blog management model that I have been outlining and improving as I manage more clients, during the implementation of different blogging strategies. Social Mediawhose parameters I have been transmitting to the Community Managers who are part of my tactical teams.

The intention of this post is to share this knowledge acquired through experimentation (trial and error) with those who may be interested in improving blog management, when they are used as part of a management plan. Social Media.

Blog management model for Community Managers:

1. – Objectives: Generally, the blog ends up becoming the central axis of the strategy in the social media environment, supported by other tools (Facebook, TwitterYouTube, etc…) that help us to spread and viralize the contents. Therefore, the blog must meet the following communication objectives:

– Serve as a bridge to the information, products, services or brands that we want to show.
– Position products, services or brands in the social media environment.
– Make products, services or brands known exponentially on the Internet.
– Attract potential users who search by keywords.
– Improve search engine positioning (natural SEO).
– Provide value with good content and spark interest.
– Facilitate interaction with users, receive feedback and criticism.

2.- Target: A blog managed by a Community Manager It must be directed to the people who make up the communities that have been defined (and identified) during the design of the strategy. Social Media. It is essential to identify the audience you intend to reach, and always write addressing readers while responding to their interests.

3. – Theme: Categories must be defined for the content, and I am not referring to the categories of the blog itself, but to choose the topics or themes based on the target audience. For example, if it is a cooking blog: the categories could be: Traditional chefs, Cooking that makes life easier for parents, Cooking considered healthy, Cooking with alternative ingredients, etc.

4.- Periodicity: The publications will depend on the time of year, day of the week, holidays, events, and the latest news in the sector, as well as other external conditioning factors.

5.- Recurrence: The publication of articles must be with very high updates at the beginning to ensure certain success in traffic, and with content always focused on reader loyalty.

6.- Authors; It is best to have several people who can participate in the creation of content, whether they are hired specifically for this function or whether they are specific collaborations; The only condition is that your posts conform to the guidelines specified in the strategy. Contributions made by professionals specializing in the previously defined subject, and from other related sectors that have influence on the Network, will be especially valued and prioritized.

7.- Review: It is recommended that the articles be reviewed or supervised by the Social Media Manager before its publication, more than anything to avoid deviations with respect to the plan of Social Media and so that the latter has an idea of ​​everything that is being published.

8.- Currentity: The information and data in general must be updated and current, and the studies or statistics reviewed cannot be older than the previous year.

9.- Relevance. The content offered must have value in itself and must be significant in its context. Links whose sources are considered qualified and influential on the topics discussed must also be included.

10.- Contextualization: The contents must refer to everyday issues, real situations, advances in the sector, news, new trends, as well as common situations and problems that arouse interest with each new publication; That is to say, there must be variety, but also a lot of topicality.

11.- Structure: Each article must have a coherently structured presentation that can motivate, and even captivate, the person who reads it. The most advisable thing is to approximately comply with the following structure model:

– 10% descriptive content about the specific relevance of the article, revealing to the reader the reason for it, as well as the importance of reading it.
– 50% informative, analytical, explanatory and relevant content, which in the form of ideas and concepts will make up the central core that will give life to the post.
– 40% of reflections, proposals, morals, recommendations and advice, that help readers in a certain aspect or area, turning the content into something useful, becoming the part most valued by the reader.

12.- Length: Although there is no clear parameter to define a specific number of words, it is a fact that articles longer than 600 words are unlikely to be read in their entirety, or they must be a very interesting topic. enough for someone to take the trouble to read it in its entirety; Therefore, it is recommended not to exceed 800 words and make them longer only when absolutely necessary.

13.- Recommendations: All advice given must have proven, understandable and easily evaluable applicability; Therefore, any list of recommendations must be able to clearly show its effectiveness and usefulness.

14.- Analysis and reflections: All analytical and reflective content must be able to relate to the main message of the blog, as well as to the practical (real) situations in which it must be applied.

15.- Links: The links must serve both to deepen the topics already discussed, and to review other opinions, similar or adverse to the one presented, linking to the same blog is acceptable, as long as it is done in a greater proportion than others. sources.

Reflection: It is true that there has already been a lot of talk about how to manage a blog, especially with the years we have been “blogging”; but I think it was necessary to talk about their management when it comes to blogs integrated into a marketing strategy. Social Mediasince the dynamics and management mechanics have certain elements that must be taken into account so that the results are as expected.

Are Community Manager And do you have anything to add to enrich the information? Leave a comment.

Via: Senior Manager


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