He social media marketing It is an insultingly young discipline, but also captivatingly “mainstream”. Few brands allow themselves in digital times that have the luxury of giving up the omnipresent social networks in their marketing strategies.

From the bowels of social media marketing, a multitude of tips (some more successful than others), but which are essential to achieve success in this discipline?

If you want to always have the success At your side when you sink your teeth into social media marketing, we recommend you not lose sight of the tips dissected below Inc.:

1. Always keep your eyes on the goals
Sometimes brands are distracted by 2.0 metrics that are unfortunately not applicable to their objectives. Before approaching a specific social network, brands must take the trouble to set objectives very clearly and then set their sights on specific metrics (and closely linked to such objectives).

2. Say it with “memes”
In view of the eternally decreasing attention of Internet users in the new digital era, it is vital for brands to give their messages the form of “memes” worthy of being shared with other users. Does that mean that each and every post from brands on 2.0 platforms must be accompanied by photos of cute kittens? Not necessarily, but it is important that brands’ publications on social networks have enough “hook” to generate impacts on the audience.

3. Create connections with the audience
In social media it is essential for brands to get into the heads of their audience in order to better understand their wants and needs. Only in this way will they be able to light the fuse of conversations and authentic connections with their target.

4. Remember that everything revolves around the customer
On social media, brands are forced to keep their ears wide open to track any conversation in which they are personally involved (and also their most direct rivals).

Via: Direct Marketing

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/4-consejos-basicos-en-social-media-para-ser-un-profesional.html

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