If you’re trying to increase your presence on Twitter, you’re probably wondering when is the best time to tweet so you can get the most value from this social network.

There are a large number of blogs and infographics dedicated to the topic. Many of them point out 9 am, 12 pm and 3 pm as the best times to tweet. But before you use those moments for your company’s Twitter username, your brand needs to consider some important factors: Where are you located in the world? What kind of tools are you using to find the best times to tweet? Are you interacting enough on social media to test which moments work best?

We have decided to go another route and help you find the optimal time to tweet adapted to tu company. The following information is not going to tell you when is the best time to tweet; Instead, it will give you the right tools to figure out the best time to tweet for your company’s Twitter accounts.

Here are 3 tips to discover the best times to tweet for your business

Tip #1: Your geographic location matters

Image by Marcin Bajer via Flickr

The best time to tweet in Vancouver (Canada) is not going to be the same as London (England). So when figuring out the best time to tweet, it’s important to consider your geographic location. This is extremely important if your business goal for this year (or next) is to expand to a different region. A useful strategy is to create one Twitter username per region, use a social media management tool to manage and monitor them all in one place, and then create social media reports to track when you get the most engagement. by Twitter username. These reports will allow you to estimate when your Twitter followers are online and interacting with your tweets.

Tip #2: Use the right tool


There are many statistics available that describe the best times to tweet. They’re great, but they may not work for everyone, especially people who are just getting started with their company’s Twitter account. For small businesses, the best times to tweet can be found using a variety of tools; Here are three to start discovering the best time to tweet for your business.

  1. Audiense (SocialBro)

One of the most useful features in Audiense is its “best time to tweet” report. Its free version, which is good for Twitter beginners, analyzes the timelines of your top 100 followers. They then generate a report showing when you should tweet to reach the maximum number of followers, in order to get retweets and replies.

With the Audiense integration into Hootsuite, you can find your best time to tweet right in the Hootsuite dashboard. You can then schedule your tweets accordingly, expanding your reach by posting during times when your followers are online.

  1. Programming automatic de Hootsuite

Hootsuite Auto Schedule does the work for you when it comes to choosing the best time to tweet. The Auto Schedule tool chooses a time based on when your tweets performed best. You can do automatic scheduling from both the control panel and the Hootlet extension.

Once you use Auto Schedule for a week, review your scheduled messages and make note of the times you used Auto Schedule. This information will allow you to plan when to schedule your messages in the future. To demonstrate this, the image below highlights the times when my messages were published using Auto Schedule. I can now realize that the optimal times for my Twitter username are around noon and 3 pm.

  1. Hootsuite Analytics Reports

This Hootsuite feature can also help you find the best time to tweet. These social media reports will help small businesses find when they are receiving the most retweets or mentions. You will also be able to discover where most of your audience is located, so you can adjust your strategy and tweet at the most appropriate time for your audience. Using this data, you can estimate when is the best time to tweet from your company’s Twitter account.

For example, the image below highlights when a Twitter username is receiving the most retweets, with its corresponding “Clicks by Region” module. The module on the left shows when I am receiving the most retweets and the module on the right shows me where I’m getting the most clicks. These two modules together now allow me to answer the question: “Why am I receiving a lot of retweets in the afternoon and early morning regarding my time zone?”

Tip #3: Make sure you interact on social media


Knowing when is the best time to tweet on your company’s Twitter account starts with social media interaction. This is a fundamental part of any social media strategy, and should not be a passive experience. If you’ve just posted content and aren’t engaging, your followers won’t take action to engage with your tweets either. Therefore, you won’t be able to take exact note of the best time to tweet, and the above tips won’t help you. Instead of waiting for people to interact with you, start the conversation, so you can turn your followers into brand ambassadors, and earn more retweets and mentions.

Via: Hootsuite

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/3-consejos-para-encontrar-los-mejores-momentos-para-tuitear.html

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