Thinking about trade marketing strategies is essential for companies looking to maximize their presence in the market, as the sector focuses on relationships between manufacturers, distributors and retailers, optimizing the way products are presented and promoted at the point of sale. This is a crucial step towards increasing sales and brand visibility.

By aligning objectives with commercial partners, ensuring efficient execution at the point of consumption and adapting strategies according to market demands, it is possible to strengthen the brand’s presence and gain competitive advantages. In this way, the effective implementation of trade marketing strategies not only increases the visibility of products, but also promotes synergy between the agents involved, resulting in a direct impact on sales success and the construction of solid relationships with associates.

It is essential to maintain a flexible and adaptable approach to trade marketing, considering changes in consumer behavior and market trends. Furthermore, constant monitoring of performance, collecting and analyzing feedback and searching for innovations are essential practices for long-term success in the sector.

To better understand the strategies of the trade marketing sector, we will divide them into 4 actions, namely:

– Merchandising: Focus on the visual presentation of products at the point of sale to attract consumers’ attention

In addition to ensuring an attractive arrangement of products on shelves, merchandising seeks to create engaging visual experiences in the sales environment, using layout, lighting and signage techniques that maximize visual impact. This not only attracts consumer attention, but also positively influences brand perception and purchasing decisions.

– Promotions: Development of promotional campaigns to boost sales, such as discounts, giveaways and special offers

Promotions are essential for driving demand and generating consumer engagement. In addition to increasing sales, they can be strategically directed to promote new launches, increase customer loyalty or even liquidate inventories.

– Trade promotions: Collaborate with business partners to create promotions specific to distribution channels

These promotions targeting distribution channels represent an opportunity to establish deeper strategic partnerships. By customizing promotional offers and programs according to the needs of each channel, it is possible to strengthen commercial relationships and ensure a more effective alignment of marketing strategies with partners’ objectives.

– Planogramas: Strategic organization of products on shelves to optimize the shopping experience

Through planograms, companies can influence consumer purchasing behavior by strategically positioning products. This approach not only maximizes available shelf space, but also improves consumer navigability, making it easier to find desired items and encouraging additional purchases through a visually attractive and logical layout.

To achieve a level of excellence in the market, these strategies together with specialized technologies are essential for business.

* Kleber Astolfi, COO from Astéria


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