December 7th
By Juan Merodio

What is ChatGPT Enterprise?

The new version for companies that ChatGPT has put on the market is called ChatGPT Enterprise. The company’s latest innovation OpenAI owner of ChatGPT was something that had been long awaited in the field of artificial intelligence and language models.

Since its presentation last August 2023, a milestone has been marked in the business world, because this specialized version for companies that uses GPT-4 technology, unlocks the full potential of organizations, let’s say in a simple and accessible way.

chatgpt enterprise

We can say that this, let’s call it business service, stands out for a series of key characteristics that make it essential for companies. In fact, well-known companies are already using ChatGPT Enterprise. But it is not only designed for large companies, this technology is also within the reach of a small company.

They have rates adaptable to the needs of each organization, therefore, it is a great example of how to apply the artificial intelligence to improve your efficiency in the marketing and business environment.

Differences between ChatGPT and its Enterprise version

There are several differences between ChatGPT normal so to speak, and ChatGPT Enterprise. We can say that the advances that the Enterprise version provides compared to the more conventional part are notable, so we are going to explore in detail these most relevant features of this powerful technological innovation that promises to revolutionize the world of marketing and the world of business.

Advanced data analysis:

We all know that today, in marketing, without data we do nothing. Many times we do very simple data analysis because we don’t have the tools to go a step further, and this is where ChatGPT Enterprise takes the basic code interpretation function to a higher level, because it gives companies unlimited access to the capabilities advanced chatbot statistical analysis.

Additionally, it allows access to both technical and non-technical users. This is very important, because with this type of system you can create structured data and analyze financial models, marketing models or analytics models in record times.

Logically, it has its learning curve, but you will not need to become an expert, nor take endless courses to be able to handle it, but anyone who is willing and begins to understand it will be able to make use of all these functionalities that it offers.

I remember the first time I saw an Excel, it really drove you crazy, surely it has happened to you too. But little by little we have learned to handle it, and little by little we learn new functionalities that make us function with ease, even if we do not know 100%. Well, with this part of AI, something similar happens.

Enterprise-level security:

One of the great mistrust that the traditional version of ChatGPT causes is the security of the data, because many companies were entering data, and of course, large companies like Samsung prohibited the use of ChatGPT because they were giving away very important private information.

For example, developers included certain types of programming to help them debug that data, without there being security over it. With the Enterprise version, you can now fully trust, since this data is not used to train the artificial intelligence, which is the case with the version that we all use.

With the traditional version, everything you write with ChatGPT is stored and used to train. With Enterprise this does not happen, in such a way that in the end it allows companies to rest assured, and give employees access to this enterprise version without compromising or endangering the data they enter, since it is also audited.

ChatGPT Enterprise meets rigorous security standards, offers privacy protection features such as single sign-on, domain verification, etc.

Support for complex questions:

ChatGPT Enterprise can process much longer and more detailed questions than its public version does, which gives the ability to enter much longer instructions, and the answer is much more precise.

If we translate this, it is to facilitate the resolution of more complex marketing problems.

In any case, remember that ChatGPT is a help and support tool, it is not a tool that will take away 100% of your work. That is, it will create a digital marketing strategybut if you do several tests, you will see that the strategies will be very similar to each other, therefore it will not be a differential strategy.

Feature Customization:

The tool offers the versatility to customize its functions to perfectly adapt to different types of business that exist, therefore it does not matter what type of business you have, what size or situation it is in.

It will allow you to customize the functions for what you need, including programming collaborative functions for team project management, using shared templates, or creating libraries for common queries, among many other possibilities.

Unlimited access to GPT-4 version:

Another great advantage is that you have unlimited access to the latest version of GPT-4. We could say that this is its most outstanding feature, since it allows you to take advantage of all the capabilities of this artificial intelligence without any type of restriction, even in times of highest demand you will not have the problem of it being blocked. All this translates into a faster response time, much faster than the conventional version of ChatGPT.

In short, ChatGPT Enterprise is a very powerful artificial intelligence tool designed to drive efficiency and productivity in business and marketing.

Do not hesitate to take advantage of all the power of its latest innovations with the GPT-4 model, advanced data analysis, solid security, the ability to provide complex questions and answers, customization for your company, and unrestricted access to this technological solution that is aimed at changing the way we face marketing challenges, creating new campaigns, improving texts, or solving problems.

At TEKDI, Digital Marketing Institute, you have the ChatGPT courses and artificial intelligence, so you can make the most of this technology.

Juan Merodio

Juan Merodio is an expert in Digital Marketing and Popularizer of the New Economy (Web3, Blockchain, NFTs…). He has founded the company that bears his own name, Juan Merodio, and from where he and his team coordinate and develop business consulting in Marketing and Digital Transformation for companies in different parts of the world such as Spain, Latin America, Japan, Canada and the United States.

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