Learn how to use social networks to market and positively influence the image and reputation of your business.

The time has passed to ask ourselves “When?” The question now for your business is “How?” In Puerto Rico, we estimate that three quarters of the Island’s population uses Facebook. That is a giant virtual community.

Here we present a quick five-point guide to social media, along with a video about a social media workshop that Banco Popular offered to its commercial clients in San Juan.

  1. To potentially appear in front of a million eyes, you need an account:

Businesses have migrated to social networks, given that it is an economical medium and above all because consumers are there. From an advertising perspective, social media involves millions of attentive eyes. The numbers are staggering enough to disrupt the current state of local and global media and to change trends such as the way we learn about public events, the time we spend in supermarket lines, how we stay on top of our news. family and our friends, and, of course, how we interact with brands and products. Community-minded, the power of social media has intensified with the proliferation of cell phones. Look around you and see how many people are looking at their cell phones. Do you still have doubts that your business needs one or more accounts on cyber social networks?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np7WhRGAIgM?enablejsapi=1]

  1. Consumers are knocking, you need the right sign on your door: Before, we would bookmark the pages of some mega store’s catalogs to remember our favorite products. Now, we Google him and check his Facebook page. If we have a question today, our primary option for the answer is not to call customer service. We ask directly on the brand or product’s Facebook page or mention them on Twitter. You need to have the correct information on your page to provide the quickest solution to any question: contact information that includes telephone number, hours of service, and your company’s motto that denotes the relevance of the product or service you offer.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhsdgAU7fbI?enablejsapi=1]

  1. The silence says more than a thousand words; Interact with your customers:

Don’t have a customer service department? No problem. Today’s consumers are everywhere. There is no linear path to a product sale. You can positively influence the image and reputation of your product by interacting with your customers on your Facebook page. Above all, social media is a conversation between two parties, in which the opinions of friends and family are at the top. Some recommendations:

  • Respond to comments on your page in a timely manner
  • Handle negative comments
  • Take difficult customer exchanges to the privacy of the direct message inbox
  • Delete inappropriate comments
  • Block users when necessary.

Remember, you are in control of what you say and what happens on your page. We seek a genuine conversation with our clients, but under respectful terms.

  1. Don’t wait too long, increase your visibility: The days of sending a post of Facebook for your followers are now a thing of the past. Still, you can market yourself by increasing the reach of a post or an ad with a small budget, whether simple stories showing your best case study or direct ads. The endless profile data from social networks also gives us the opportunity to segment the reach of ads based on demographics and preferences, among other profile features.

5. Measure, measure, measure: There is tons of data, use it. The accessibility of data on social networks allows us to easily measure our advertising tests. However, there are times when you can find yourself overwhelmed with data. So remember to align your business objectives well with your social media campaigns. There is an art to engaging on social media and your consumers, but at the end of the day your business is your business.

By: Enrique I. Martel

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/5-tacticas-efectivas-en-redes-sociales-para-negocios.html

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