Being a consumer preference is the greatest reward you can receive. Let’s look at three characteristics that customers highly value as differentiators: quality of the product or service, price and service.

When it comes to the product, there are several factors that are not solely in our control and some are very costly, such as purchasing new machines and choosing new suppliers, among others. The price, when too low, reduces the profit margin and, when too high, generates customer repulsion. Service is the variable that depends on simpler actions to be perceived as a difference.

The first step is to find the situations that are seen as a problem by the consumer in your business or in your competitor. Example: if your competitor has waiting lines for service, there is an opportunity to offer value in service. The opposite also works. Therefore, understanding what the customer values ​​is a differentiator. Calling you by name, having an exclusive phone line to talk to you, calling on your birthday to congratulate you… It all counts.

Is your customer’s life better after the service you provide? To reach this level, you need to have the purpose of satisfying the customer as a mantra. Have a great desire to do something very good for the customer during service. If possible, change the life of the customer you serve.

Some people and companies exist to make money. Don’t be surprised if they fail in their purpose. And as the competition is very high, some end up failing. Therefore, having good purposes in your personal and professional life will be perceived by your clients, friends, society, family, decision makers, influencers and collaborators as something that you prioritize and will make this characteristic your trademark.

*Gustavo Malavota He is a business education consultant and speaker on sales, behavior and management. Graduated in administration and marketing from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), is the founder of Instituto Vendas. He was a specialist in marketing from Senac. He is an author, columnist and professor at MBA in Marketing Administration and Business Communication at the Veiga de Almeida University (UVA). He has also been a retail trainer in the sales and service area for 15 years and has trained more than 100,000 people in large companies in Brazil.


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