According to the portal The Dynamothese are those 5 tips that you should keep in mind to avoid being “hacked”.

1.- You see posts in your account that you have not written

Although it may seem obvious, it is not always easy to detect it. This is seen, for example, when several users use the same corporate account or if you are a user who publishes content automatically from a blog through different services. If you spot these posts, delete them immediately and change your password.

2.- If the platform informs you that someone has entered from a different location

Many services already include the possibility of indicating the location. Keep in mind that the location is always approximate, but if you are in Mexico and someone has registered from Chile, then it is clear that you are being hacked. If you have any questions, simply log out of that session.

3.- If an application starts publishing in your name or “likejacking”

This can happen due to two things: when you “Like” an application or if you are a victim of “likejacking”, a term linked to the “Like” button on Facebook and which refers to the technique for distributing viruses through the Internet. publishing “likes” from people on their wall when, in reality, the user has not done anything. On Facebook you can check which applications you have incorporated or installed and you can uninstall them if necessary.

If you don’t know which apps are linked to your account, delete them from your profile. Also make sure that posts from that app no ​​longer appear on your wall.

4.- You cannot enter your profile

In this case you can try to recover your password, but most likely the cybercriminals have also changed the email used to recover the password. In this case, the only solution is to contact Facebook or Twitter directly to help you recover your account.

5.- You start following a lot of people you don’t know

Are you suddenly following or becoming friends with a bunch of people you don’t know? This is a chain effect that spreads malicious URLs across the network exponentially. If you notice this symptom, change your password immediately.

If you notice that your account is sending a lot of private messages or emails, change your password immediately. It would also be advisable to delete all the publications made in that period of time and alert your contacts so that they do not enter the links.

Via: Publimetro


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