As has happened in most segments, the stationery market has undergone significant transformations in recent years, driven by changes related to consumer preferences, technological advances and growing environmental awareness. In this sense, it is natural for new trends to take the spotlight at certain times and continue to consolidate themselves around the world.

In 2024, the sector must follow paths that will be marked by a unique combination of technological innovation, sustainability and the continued importance of the consumer experience.

Products and actions with less environmental impact

Consumers are increasingly aware of the responsibility of their choices, prompting companies to rethink production processes and the use of certain materials. Products that reduce carbon and plastic have gained public preference. Large brands in the textile sector, for example, have based their development on recycled items or items made with resources that harm nature less. Refillable pens and eco-friendly packaging are examples of changes. Therefore, organizations committed to sustainability gain the loyalty of customers who value the reduction of any environmental impact.

TikTok: the power of influencer marketing

There is no denying that social networks influence consumer trends. TikTok, for example, has also stood out as a product discovery platform. From innovative notebooks to items with irreverent, nostalgic or themed designs. This and other entertainment platforms are understood as social commerce and guide everything from product development to marketing and sales strategy. Therefore, different items on the stationery market can quickly become viral, and companies that invest in such stocks have a high chance of being surprised by the results.

Versatility and functionality in focus

Still following the essence of the sustainable movement, consumers look for items that not only serve the main purpose, but also offer versatility, such as products with multiple functions, refillable, replaceable refills and packaging that can be reused. The idea is to reduce waste and maximize utility, providing consumers with a practical and more conscious experience.

AI for accurate analysis

In addition to favoring the manufacturing of products, optimizing resources and modernizing machinery, technology is increasingly inserted into people’s daily lives. Artificial intelligence-based consumer analysis tools can predict customer preferences, suggest personalized products and optimize inventory offerings. This not only increases companies’ operational efficiency, but also improves the consumer experience, offering products that are more in line with their expectations.

More diversity and inclusion

Many companies are turning their attention to the topic at hand and developing products that meet the needs of people with disabilities, such as ergonomic pens, paper with accessible fonts and products with inclusive design. Furthermore, representation on packaging and marketing campaigns is also a way to demonstrate a commitment to diversity.

Therefore, companies that manage to integrate the main trends into products and strategies will be well positioned to meet the demands of an increasingly demanding and conscious consumer.

*By Fernanda RicciStationery Product Development Manager at Leonora Group


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