Many wonder whether using AI to create content is ethical. Meanwhile, on the other side, we have many companies that loved the new technology and have already given the green light for its use, as long as it is for the creation of “quality” content. The fact is that a lot can be achieved by brands that invest in this tool internally, but it needs to be well structured and handled by teams, so that they know how to strategically incorporate it for good performance.

Recently, one of the biggest examples seen in the AI ​​market in this objective was ChatGPT. This technology began its development in 2018, being launched for general public use in 2022. From its arrival, there was a gigantic “boom” in its recognition, appearing in national news and deepening its usability capabilities in the medium. corporate.

In addition to OpenAI’s chatGPT, today we also have BingChat and Google Bard to work exclusively with texts, although the latter two still have relatively little recognition within the innovative area that OpenAI created with its software.

When implemented, these tools are strongly beneficial in terms of optimizing the time of content creators, as the tool can, through a command, generate completely original texts, but based on information circulating on the web, requiring the “co-creator” only the editing work, analysis of the general meaning of the text and final validation regarding words that may be wrong or that the human part of the pair may want to change for some reason.

The popularization of these resources was such that, according to data collected by Semrush, there was a 42119.2% growth in the number of accesses to these functionalities in January 2023, when compared to the same period in 2022. Today, Brazil is the 5th country with the most used this technology, just a few months after its launch in 2022.

Following this spread of the software’s usefulness, several people began to use it to optimize their work, whether in video scripts, blog content or general research. This even caused Google to add a new acronym for the ranking of websites on its results page, including a new “E” and transforming EAT into EEAT, meaning experience, expertise, authority and trust.

Furthermore, the search engine also announced, in its latest update, that “the appropriate use of AI or automation does not go against our guidelines”. In this sense, we have the green light to be able to use generative AI in organizational strategies, as long as it is aimed at producing, as an ultimate objective, useful content for users.

But, how would an AI present its own experiences when generating texts from article or blog content? Here comes the human collaboration part that Google wants. One way to do this would be to use AI to provide blocks of content to be used and then gradually polish the generated text, adding your own experiences and words to the content, in a way that results in text that is even more useful for the reader. user.

Working in this way, we have an optimization of the time of the professional responsible for creating content, which would consequently result in a greater number of works produced within the same period in which he would perform his function prior to the changes that the new tool brought – something which creates a greater number of quality content for users.

There is no doubt that the AI ​​boom has arrived, having a major impact on content creators, with their work recognized even by Google as something that can be of use to everyone. Today, around 14 months since its public launch, we can say that AI, especially generative AI, is here to stay. Now, it’s up to us to do what our species has always done best throughout its history: adapt to the scenario in which we find ourselves.

*Renan Cardarello is CEO of iOBEE, Digital Marketing and Technology Advisory


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